Do you have any experience in Python and GTK4? Do you want to help maintain an app with literally tens of users? Do you hate every web browser to the point you want to avoid it altogether?
Web Apps is the app for you (to help maintain)! I have marked a few issues as 'contribution welcome' here:
University is starting to keep me busier than usual, but I don't want to let it create yet another abandonware strewn in the GNOME ecosystem.
We have merged user / org agents #feature ✨
So if you administer a huge instance you might look out for it 🚀
Reports on Khashoggi’s murder are still secret.
Release of more intelligence about his gruesome murder would place democratic principles over a relationship with a dictator.
Ready to share your FLOSS knowledge? SCaLE 22x Call for Presenters is now open! Submit your talk by Nov 1st and be part of the largest open-source community event: #SCaLE22x
This is one reason why I absolutely refuse to patronize Uber in any of its businesses. What a total scumbag of a company it is.
And if what it's done here is truly legal, it's just another demonstration of how our lawmakers hold their constituents in utter contempt.
In today's Help Desk, Mark says "nope."
In the running for this years "Biggest A-hole" award.
This is why you won't hear either candidate for US prez (or any other office) demanding that we get universal healthcare: it's far too convenient for their funders to be able to intimidate their workers into silence. There are many issues on which the Dems and Repubs are in lock-step, and making sure we never get Medicare For All is one of them (hell, Biden said he'd veto it even if congress did pass it).
Veblen called these “industry” and “business.” Industry’s goal is efficiently meeting the material needs of the public; business’ goal is efficiently extracting profits. Business can only do this by sabotaging industry, but it has to be careful not to sabotage so much that you end up with situations like the one Boeing is in.
Censorship in the name of national security, if it’s ever permitted at all, requires a concrete, imminent and severe threat — not the mere prospect of one.
Now, Israel has escalated its efforts to silence Al Jazeera, raiding its West Bank newsroom and ordering it closed for 45 days.
At the same time, the U.S. expanded its targeting of foreign-owned platforms by taking aim at Russian media outlet RT.
@lwriemen @piwakawaka For sure, but the point I was making wasn't that the US is unique, rather that Trump is a uniquely US version. It's the same way that Boris Johnson's upper-class coded dufferishness was the key to the English psyche, but wouldn't have worked elsewhere.
To outsiders it looks weird, "How could they fall for that?"
Pro-tip: Write code for the reviewers. Helping them helps you.
A very specific case: Separate code movement from other changes to independent commits.
As a reviewer, checking code movement with 'git show --color-moved' takes mere seconds rather than minutes. Checking subsequent changes on top is easy as well. Combined, it's much, much harder.
And remember, it might be you looking at the same commits years down the line.
Join the team of chefs and developers of #HurryCurry tonight at 20.00 CEST to play a few rounds of the game and provide valuable feedback to them.
Check out the event in the Codeberg Event Calendar:
“‘He lost everything, but he’s giving anything he’s got,’ she said. ‘That is the beauty of the people in the mountains.’”
It’s a problem that so many people think it’s only their community that normalizes the collective good after a disaster. It’s not just “people in the mountains” or whatever—this is just how people be! We all share these values!
Today's Help Desk is a shameless delaying tactic.
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa