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If you're installing Linux for a friend this weekend, think about asking:

"Hey, do you have an old laptop you're not using any more?"

Try making *that* useful. Keeps your friend calm because their main system is fine. Keeps you calm because you're not worried about your friend. And, you reduce some e-waste.

And this move by Microsoft (among the many dodgy moves & massive hyping of 'A' by #BigTech in the recent past) shows they *know* they're nearing the end of their growth curves. They're trying on things they know risk really (terminally) pissing off their captive audience... and yet they're doing it anyway. It suggests they're more desperate than we thought to find new frontiers to ruthlessly exploit.

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#Forgejo v7.0.3 was just released! This is a security release.

We recommend that all installations are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.

Check out the release notes and download it at If you experience any issues with this release, please report to

Something useful to keep in mind, people: the only thing a major public corporation, like the 'Frightful Five' of #BigTech, has to do to fail... is to stop growing. That inflection point is tantamount to death as far as its shareholders are concerned, and that's all that matters. Let's be the millions of cuts that take the wind out of those ethically bankrupt juggernauts' sails. I think we'll be surprised how fast they fall when they finally do.

you don't need to blow leaves! they're just fucking leaves! it's literally in the name that you can just leave them there

If #BernieSanders ran for #POTUS as an independent in the 2024 #US Presidential election would you vote for him?

#Boost for sample size

Am I the only person who is seeing this play going down right now?

December 2023: Microsoft prices Windows 10 long term support

May 2024: Microsoft poison pills Windows 11 with spyware

The beauty of this is that Microsoft doesn’t even have to sell the new windows 10 pricing, infosec will

In chess, this is called a “discovered attack”. Check!

"...a would-be hacker would need to gain physical access to your device, unlock it and sign in before they could access saved screenshots."

I've got some news for Microsoft about how domestic abuse works.

Okay, all this yelling about "Switch to #Linux now that #Microsoft is doing bad things to #Windows".
Let's stop yelling, shall we?
I made a TINY start here:

Pull requests welcome!

Why #HostedOnCodeberg? Well ehm... do you *know* who the owner of GitHub is?
Also, @Codeberg is dedicated to open source!

Listening to RNZ, seems the media's trying to make it sound extravagant & unacceptable (and on par with mismanagement and other human incompetence) that a public works project ends up costing more & is delayed due to an unforeseen need to preserve a directly-affected skink population and the biodiversity it represents. That's one of the few causes for gov't project blowouts I actively celebrate (it should've been identified & costed prior to the project going ahead!).

Happy to help others join me out from under the thumb of #BigTech. I've written a lot of guides here: and

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It's a huge, daily relief to be able to say that I have zero dependence on Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, or Amazon (and substantially constrained any dependence on Google and FB). I've shunned them all for the past couple decades and feel nothing but gratitude to my resolute former self (who received an unending stream of disparagement from people who're now experiencing a slow realisation that their past blind faith in the benevolence of the corporate model was woefully misplaced).


It's not about whatever Microsoft is doing with these features today. Maybe it's apocalyptic, maybe it's not. But what we're seeing is next-level disregard for user choice about their OS. Yes, even for Microsoft, this is exceptional.

And in the constant pursuit of monetizing our data or extracting training sets, we must confront the question of what they will push on us
next, without consent or reasonable recourse.

This is not an OS under owner control, and as such, should not be trusted for any purpose where data security is a concern.

I struggle to think of a use case where it isn't.

venting, genocide, starvation (9/?) 

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venting, genocide, starvation (7/?) 

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Dual Power, sometimes referred to as counter-power, is a stage in a revolutionary movement where two competing political frameworks occupy the same space. For anti-state revolutionaries this implies a significant mobilization of people organizing autonomously and outside of and against existing power structures and institutions.

In this episode of A is for Anarchy, we examine the historical origins of dual power and analyze current examples and those throughout history.

venting, genocide, starvation (1/?) 

Going after Tornado Cash’s developers for merely developing the code is like “prosecuting the hammer because somebody used it to hit someone over the head,” EFF’s Cindy Cohn told @CoinTelegraph. “The hammer isn’t the bad thing; it’s the use of the hammer.”

This ProPublica story is good reporting on 3M's sociopathic, and ecocidal, commitment to contaminating all the water on earth…but the "crusading investigative reporter" narrative might mislead you into thinking this scandal hasn't been burning in public for decades (see e.g., from 2016, ) The missing part of the story is the weakness and even complicity of the regulators.

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