This is Kali Baba. Kali Baba taught me many things, but one of them stands out above all others, that pretty thoroughly summarizes everything else he taught and how he lived his life. As he said to me years ago:
"Me helping you, you helping me, God helping everybody. You no helping me, me no helping you, God also no helping."
And it's true, you know, strange as it may seem. Call it what you will, but the Universe responds to solidarity. There isn't much I know for sure, but I do know this.
If journalists cared about protecting democracy, they would be campaigning -- yes, in their news pages -- for free and fair elections.
Apparently that's too "partisan" for people whose fetish for balance has led them to help democracy's enemies.
So please read and pass around this piece from @marcelias, someone who cares passionately and is doing his best.
In my home-away-from-home of Nepal, it is customary to give gifts to others on your birthday, rather than to receive them. In that spirit, I gift to all my #FediFriends this one-player card game that you can print out and play. It's about finding homes for animals in different biomes, using the power of evolution to overcome ecosystem constraints. Personally, I think it's pretty fun. Instructions and cards are here (let me know if anything is unclear or confusing):
#RenewableEnergy passes 30% of #world’s #Electricity supply | Renewable energy | The Guardian
The pressure must remain to keep it going up.
It may only be mid-spring but right now although little #electricity is being generated by #wind (2.5 GW or 7.8% of #UK demand) a very healthy 8.6 GW or 26.6% is being met by #SolarEnergy. #Gas is down at 5.7 GW or 17.6%.
Novel Attack Against Virtually All VPN Apps Neuters Their Entire Purpose
" . . Neuters Their Entire Purpose"
Researchers have discovered a new attack that can force VPN applications to route traffic outside the encrypted tunnel, thereby exposing the user's traffic to potential snooping or manipulation.
This vulnerability, named TunnelVision, is found in almost all VPNs on non-Linux and non-Android systems.
Science finally catching up with what I've been raving about for years.
From the article:
"At $190 a ton, the utility industry averaged damages more than twice its profits. Materials manufacturing, energy and transportation industries all had average damages that exceeded their profits."
There is no profit when we account for negative externalities -- all of capitalism is premised on an accounting lie that doesn't work if, you know, we *actually account* for the pollution. Capitalist economics have always been premised on destroying our biosphere for free.
If you can't destroy the biosphere by using it as your own free cesspool -- you can't profit.
It's fucking physics. Balance the equations.
I will be at the Computer History Museum on May 16th, talking about digital privacy, security, and Big Data with the folks from PBS' NOVA.
Important security update for GLib and D-Bus, thanks to @pwithnall
If you are a downstream distributor of GLib, GTK, or GNOME-related projects, remember to follow the distributor tag on Discourse.
This classic xkcd (original: about sums up what it looks like to me when I see arguments between proponents of #anarchism (a political philosophy I endorse) and proponents of #VoteBlue (a political tactic I endorse).
Some scenes from the MIT Kresge encampment today. after President Sally Kornbluth sent a campus-wide email threatening to suspend students who didn't vacate by 14:30 ET
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa