Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates
When ad blocking is a cat-and-mouse game, make the mouse slower.
Can't ban these books 'cause they don't exist.
Casting my vote for the best #economics paper of the year. Certainly the most relevant. At one and the same time debunking the neoclassical rationalization of income inequality, and dunking on the lack of an outside world in mainstream economic models. The thesis, in a nutshell, is that the environment exists (and it matters); and no, your boss doesn't get paid 20X you do because of their higher marginal productivity.
Framework is hiring. If you have *community manager experience*, familiarity with *Linux* and *Windows*, I would encourage you to toss your hat into the ring.
Gaza war, opinions and moderation
We realize that this is very painful and emotionally charged moment for many of us. The Internet is a divisive, insensitive place at the best of times, and these are clearly not the best of times. In recent weeks we have understandably received a large influx of reports related to commentary on Israel's invasion of Gaza. While many of the reports filed have been wholly justified, bringing our attention to incidents of overt Islamophobia and/or antisemitism, or posts calling for collective punishment against an entire national/ethnic group, the vast majority have boiled down to arguments about who is to blame for the current violence.
As moderators of Kolektiva, we have our own strong views on what is going on in Israel/Palestine. Like many of you, we have been filled with rage and despair watching the news for the past several weeks.
That said, we are a small moderation team made up entirely of volunteers, and we do not see it as our role to censor posts that some of our users disagree with (or that we disagree with), or to moderate every thread where there is a heated political argument. Our role is limited to moderating content to help ensure Kolektiva does not become a platform for bigoted discourse, and to filter out the most toxic garbage from other servers.
For a full list of's guidelines, check out
At this time, we ask people to please give a bit of thought about the sorts of posts you're reporting (not to mention what you write), and to please try to refrain from inundating our mod team with reports about posts that don't violate our code of conduct - particularly those from users on other instances who are not even directly engaging with users on our server (for instance, if you see a user on arguing with someone else on and a teenager with his own Pleroma instance).
Not sure what we mean? Here's some clear examples.
What to report:
Calls for genocide/collective punishment against all Palestinians or Israelis
Overt Islamophobia or antisemitism
"There are no civilian deaths in Gaza"
"Palestinians deserve to be bombed"
"Israel is the same/worse than the Nazis"
What not to report:
"From the River to the Sea"
"Israel has a right to defend itself"
"Palestinians have a right to resist"
"Hamas is a terrorist organization"
At the end of the day, people are obviously free to do what they want. But all this social media shit is bad for us -- especially at times like this, when we are more urgently needed off the Internet. And so, as a team of volunteers who are honestly getting pretty burnt out from looking through dozens of the same reports each day, while trying to balance our commitments to other various projects, we kindly suggest familiarizing yourself with Mastodon's robust individual block and content filtering functions, and even logging off social media if you are having a hard time seeing posts that you strongly disagree with.
We thank everyone for their patience with moderation on our servers and stand committed to maintaining Kolektiva as a space for engaged discussions, political debates, and the sharing of anarchist and anti-colonial news and analysis.
On an entirely related note, we are looking to increase our moderation capacity by bringing on new mods. So if this is something that interests you, please get in touch, either by responding to this post, tagging one of our mods, or emailing us at kolektiva[at]
We are especially interested to cover additional languages such as Czech, Polish, Russian, Arab, Turkish and Japanese (and of course others!).
In solidarity,
The Kolektiva Mod Team
What journalists -- and everyone else -- need to understand is that if the United States goes full fascist, essentially **every** police agency will get full license to do this kind of thing, routinely.
Too many get away with lesser versions of this already. Full fascist-led "law" enforcement isn't just speculation anymore.
And right-wingers can hardly contain their glee at such a possibility.
The stakes are that high. Wake up, journalists, and help us move toward justice, not terror.
This is the Wall Street Journal's white wet-dream of a real America. Carmel is 2.8% Black, 4% Hispanic....
‘How Did I End Up in Indiana?’ Welcome to the Internet’s Favorite Small City
What the actual fuck. One of my favorite political commentators, Mehdi Hasan, has been speaking out very eloquently, with his usual evidence-based arguments, in favor of Palestinian rights. And as a result, MSNBC canceled his popular show. This is a terrifying sign that so-called free speech in this country is anything but free.
On Top of Everything Else, Henry Kissinger Prevented Peace in the Middle East
The GOP senators threatening @VOANews for its decisions about how to report on Hamas and the war in Gaza either don’t understand editorial independence and the First Amendment or, more likely, just don’t care.
Shame on them.
Last call to get 10 FREE All Cameras Are Cops anti-surveillance sticker sheets when you sign up as a new Friend of PM Press at by 12/1.
Protect yourself & loved ones in style!
It's the best way to support our radical publishing project.
Hi, Fediverse friends,
I have been busy with a technical glitch. I needed to restore a backup of my author website, my backup service had a glitch, and to make a sad story short, I am currently rebuilding my author website.
I may shut down my private Mastodon server and move to an established server.
My server is more work and money than we anticipated.
After this past week, I’m inclined to spend less time on technical stuff.
I’ll let you know if I’m going to move.
The Real Cost of Bottled Water
The #Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What? - YouTube
Arizona's right wing has always disdained public education, and some lawmakers are using tendentious charges of "free speech" violations as a pretext to gut university funding.
(Note: I'm employed by the Arizona university that they particularly hate.)
Or, It's difficult to define what a wiki is because rather than elaborating on a vocabulary of collaborative information systems, we got trapped in tarpits of isolated documents so deeply it's impossible to even describe anything beyond them.
The size of this effect can be measured in the revenue of organizational subscriptions to Microsoft 365 and Google Drive
Every single organization i have ever participated in organizes their information in a series of immediately forgotten messages/emails and a set of google docs that nobody remembers the links to.
The idea of writing things down in places where one would expect information to be is simply unimaginable, and that lack defines the operational capacity of these organizations. Needing to forward the same link back and forth forever, nobody ever having the right permissions, and all daily organizing labor being invisible arent trivial inconveniences, they are devastating limitations to any organization that cant afford the administrative apparatus to overcome them.
It's not an accident or technological limitation: Strategic information disorganization is a massive profit vector.
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa