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The #Moon always keeps the same side facing the #Earth owing the gravitational #ModeLocking. Therefore, if you’re standing somewhere on the Moon’s surface then the Earth will remain in the same place in the #sky all the time. Strange that.

Frankly, I don't care if the "Big Names" of social media bypass Mastodon. What I care about are the poets, sports fans, community activists, academics, nerds, geeks, anime fans, old movie buffs, music fans, philosophers, environmentalists, photographers, bloggers, cat people, dog people, hosers, bloggers, sci-fi freaks, astronomers,biologists, and the marginalized souls that can't find a haven anywhere else. I want authentic egagement with real people.

I’ve been incredibly angry — furious, even for ME — about the most loathsome and contemptible defamation suit I’ve ever seen in my career, and now Mike Masnick at TechDirt has written about the despicable case and about my anti-SLAPP motion to dismiss it. Reading it just makes me angrier.

OK, while I am legit on the mend from the flu a somewhat disturbing after affect is that looking at anything on a computer screen is shimmery and slightly blurred. This was NOT something that was an issue on Friday and is something I can't get away from today. Doesn't matter how near or far I am from the screen -- any screen -- text looks slightly out of focus.

Hope this clears up soon.

I've got something pretty different to share this time – a children's book I wrote with my kid! It's called "The Mega Adventures of Koko Sisi & Kiki Pupu #1: The Mystery of Stolen Bananas."

This isn't just any story; it's filled with fun space adventures and important lessons about mutual aid, DIY culture, and caring for our planet – all wrapped up in a 52-page book that's perfect for young rebels.

Here's the thing: I've only printed 50 copies in each language (English, French, and Spanish), so they might run out fast. You can find them at

I'll be mentioning this a few times in the coming weeks (sorry for the repeat posts!), but if you could share this with your networks, I'd really appreciate it. It's a small, personal project that means a lot to me and my little co-author.

Thanks for all your support, always.

"I have cochlear implants and I can only buy parts to fix them or upgrade then from 1 #corporation bc of tech exclusivity. upgrades to get new processors for both ears cost $23k & insurance only covers 90% (and it’s “good” insurance)"

#Cyberpunk #dystopia is already here for the disabled.

#classwar #eattherich #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas

A little delayed in sharing this, but excited this interview is up! Please check out my conversation with a comrade in Palestine on @igd_news.

We talk about the situation on the ground, the role of the Palestinian Authority, the place of anarchism in the Palestinian struggle, and more, plus I asked some of the questions folks sent in.

@palestine #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #WestBank

While looking for texts on the Puerto Rican connection to the invention of #HipHop (yep, we were there on the ground floor in a big way) I found two specific books "New York Ricans from the Hip Hop Zone" by Raquel Z. Rivera and "From Bomba to Hip-Hop" by Juan Flores. While these are incredible works of thought and research, the language is massively academic and inaccessible. Then I stumbled upon "Can't Stop Won't Stop : A History of the Hip Hop Generation" by Jeff Chang. Wow! Super easy to read, and Chang dives deep into the world Kool Herc inhabited in Jamaica and that he brought with him to the Bronx to help kick start the birth of this amazing culture. But he also unpacks the gang cultures, dominated by Puerto Ricans and the political and socio-economic context of the time that set the stage for Hip Hop's birth. A truly monumental and necessary history book. Can't recommend it enough.

A tale of a group I work with.
Old guard: "Our technology is FOSS, but we need more participation!"
New Guard: "Let's build an open community site to foster more participation and ideas!"
Old Guard: "Great idea! I'll assemble the old guard to get towork on that!"
New Guard: "..."
One year later...<crickets>

Has anyone looked into setting up free lending libraries of pre-configured Linux laptops?

This feels like a potentially good use for totally functional computers deamed "obsolete" because they aren't powerful enough for Windows 11.

25 years ago today, Nov 20, 1998, was the day I came out as a trans woman at work. It was the last place I was presenting male, so as soon as I got home I stopped, and was myself full time. Transition has made me much, much happier than I was before.

The first Transgender Day of Remembrance was held one year later, on Nov 20, 1999.

I'm profoundly grateful that I've been so fortunate, and my heart breaks for those who were not. It's still a brutal world for trans people.

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I keep having double-takes about why they would need buttons for both the second and third options.

World facing ‘hellish’ 3C of climate heating, UN warns before Cop28 - pointless expecting #cop28 to do anything about; they just want to dig for more oil...

My application needs to store a private key on disk. But an OS keychain may not be available, and the user may not be willing to set a master passphrase. What's the least worst way of doing this?

Currently I'm encrypting the key using Argon2id and a randomly chosen passphrase, and writing the passphrase (and salt and argon params) in plaintext in a different file. It's... not really a *solution*, but stands a slightly better chance at ensuring that if a user deletes the files, they're unrecoverable.

Is there a better technique? Maybe writing 10 MB of random to disk across several files of different sizes (OS may put them in different parts of the physical disk) and using that as the encryption secret. Would that be of *any* use?

“Dictators can't do it alone. They need propagandists and torturers to implement their vile agenda

America needs to know about #MikeDavis, frontrunner for #Trump 47 AG, auditioning by calling for 'gulags' and 'kids in cages'

No wonder Team Trump is eyeing him as attorney general in 2025.”

If @willbunch wrote it, you should read it.© & I thread it. 1/…🧵

@lightweight As an anarchist (of sorts), I agree with your diagnosis, even if I extend it beyond the scope of public corpos. What I am focused on, is imagining alternative ways to organize social effort, thus giving people other options, beyond false dichotomy of a sarariman vs freelancer/sole trader.

I speak from the perspective and experience of Poland, which, among several other countries, has been recently colonised by the capitalist civilisation. Together with appalling legacy of the previous regime, we live - socially speaking - on a scorched earth, where almost no realm can be found, beyond those of political or economic concentrated power.

One of such realms can be built around the commons - not just common resources, as the classic narrative goes, but also around common needs. This is the job for cooperatives of all shapes, sizes and colors. And the only obstacle is human mindset.

Now, there is a group of people who already rejected (or have been rejected by) capitalism. Dropouts, loosers, neuroatypicals, queers, punks, anarchists, have-nots and the marginalised. They are the test pilots for the solidarity economy, to prove and normalize it - before those relatively well-off (and much more scared of change) may start joining the trend.

On my minuscule scale I am now building a proof-of-concept of such initiative here. If anybody is willing to talk about this approach, I will be happy to participate.

Why and for whom this Artel exists ?

#SocialMedia #Democracy #OnlineCommunities: "When was the last time you participated in an election for a Facebook group or sat on a jury for a dispute in a subreddit? Platforms nudge users to tolerate nearly all-powerful admins, moderators, and “benevolent dictators for life.” In Governable Spaces, Nathan Schneider argues that the internet has been plagued by a phenomenon he calls “implicit feudalism”: a bias, both cultural and technical, for building communities as fiefdoms. The consequences of this arrangement matter far beyond online spaces themselves, as feudal defaults train us to give up on our communities’ democratic potential, inclining us to be more tolerant of autocratic tech CEOs and authoritarian tendencies among politicians. But online spaces could be sites of a creative, radical, and democratic renaissance. Using media archaeology, political theory, and participant observation, Schneider shows how the internet can learn from governance legacies of the past to become a more democratic medium, responsive and inventive unlike anything that has come before."

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