How the world has responded to #Trump’s Paris climate agreement withdrawal - good to see that the world's grownups are simply ignoring the selfish child in the corner....
Imagine a world where land & home is collectively stewarded by cooperative-based communities. 🌎
We've come together to practice demonstrating and sharing a model of harmonious co-stewardship.🤝
Our aim is to practice and evolve co-living systems in order to create a nourishing, regenerative community space for our cooperative members and broader community.
We’re excited to share these tools with you. Stay tuned 💫
Trump's immigration policy is performative violence intended to pacify restless white people. But it won't actually improve their lives—only raise their relative status by ruining others' lives. It is the perfect distraction for a billionaire determined to concentrate wealth and power in his own hands at everyone else's expense.
What Trump does to the undocumented today will eventually be done to many more people. If the rest of us do not act in solidarity now, we cannot expect others to act in solidarity with us when we are the ones being arrested and herded into detention centers.
Solidarity is self-defense.
Congratulations to the right-wingers; you have killed wokeness! By putting all your odiousness on display, all Americans are now aware and no longer need to be awakened to the fact that the USA is a racist, misogynistic, LGBTQ+-phobic, oligarchy. You are no longer hiding in the shadows! Reagan's rose-colored glasses now enhanced with racist AI! The current American Dream now requires conformance to your ideals.
Enjoy the spotlight while you can, because we're coming for you.
The revolution toward digital democracy won’t wait for perfect tech or perfect timing—it begins now, with the imperfect tools we already have.
Digital feudalism or democracy: the choice is ours, and history won’t forgive our apathy.
More than 98% of Costco shareholders voted down an anti-DEI proposal at their annual meeting. The proposal had been filed by the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank. In its Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the company's board of directors had urged shareholders to reject the motion, saying: "Our efforts at diversity, equity and inclusion remind and reinforce with everyone at our Company the importance of creating opportunities for all." Here's more from @AxiosNews.
All corruption, all the time in Trump world, Part 56,009:
I own a Tesla, it’s time to divest
Mark Cuban asked what can we do to make things better over the short term.
Here's one. As a Tesla Model Y owner, I've had enough. I'm a child of Holocaust survivors. Musk doing a Nazi salute behind the seal of the president is too much. In memory of my parents and grandparents, I have to do something.
Thus the question, how do I get rid of the car, so that it doesn't become someone else's car. To remove one Tesla car from the road, in a way that might inspire others to do the same. I'd like to communicate to other Tesla owners and Tesla shareholders that it's past time to stop supporting this company.
The best answer I've come up with so far is a program where the car is disassembled and recycled, and the parts are not sold to Tesla.
I don't now the business reality of this, but if I could be certain the car would disassembled and the parts recycled, I would contribute it without expecting any money in return. I would be willing to take a total loss.
If you wonder why management at a CBS affiliated TV station in Milwaukee is so cowardly that it fired a weather reporter for accurately mentioning Musk's fascist salute, this will help you understand:
Trump's FCC is going to take away licenses from stations that dare to tell the truth about his regime and its cult followers.
I guess this is the next logical progression to putting your servers in the cloud.
It might be fruitful and nutritious to come together and meet more often and get our documents in order.
It would be beneficial to outline our proclamations and proposals clearly to grow and with so that we cannot be denied.
We can start with the Karen Read case and a few others
Here is a link to an upcoming series of chats to foster engagement on local levels, while protecting our privacy. Any suggestions are welcome.
Anti Corruption 🐜...
I have thought long and hard about HOW to make a fractured yet powerful Anti Corruption movement even more meaningful and how to do the things "they" do not want us to do - change laws to protect citizens and root out corrupt authorities. Things that will bring positive change. We have to organize locally and make sure that the community has the ability to put people in positions of power that work with the community in a transparent way.
I've been browsing #webcomics again recently.
They usually include author's commentary, links to inspirations and collaborators, even Wikipedia pictures.
It's astonishing how many links from 2002-2008 have rotten. Even a Wikiedia pic of a Japanese emperor ("Not PD picture").
Sites which are still up are often stripped down to the basics, the forum and community gone.
I'm beginning to think: if you care about the content, don't just link to it. Copy and host it. that I think about it some more, this will probably be used, perversely, as an excuse to encourage even more second homes and vacation rentals, since they'll be a more lucrative tax-base than the locals. 🤔
There is no "genius", only learning to love learning and doing, and having access to do so. The problem is that we teach children to loathe education and self-embetterment in all sorts of ways. And for adults, few are given opportunities or encouragement to be able to explore thoughtfully and contribute. Few people can grow into themselves.
We don't teach people to "learn to learn" enough, or to feel that they can love learning, or to give people a chance to *do things*.
I have been a rather large critic of this man and his politics in the past, and I still am, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and this is one of those times.
"A property tax relief measure touted by Gov. Greg Gianforte as his signature response to widespread public angst over rising residential tax bills would lower taxes on primary residences by raising them on second homes and Airbnb-style short-term vacation rentals."
Revealed: #Microsoft deepened ties with Israeli military to provide tech support during #Gaza war - well, course, money, innit?
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa