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I know Fedi isn't always the best platform for having substantive conversations, but if people are up for sharing, I'm genuinely interested in hearing people's reflections on how the upcoming U.S. election will affect them.  I'm interested in reflections from both USians and non-USians.

Does anything change for you personally if the U.S. election goes one way vs. another?  If so, what changes and how?

Boosts welcome.  Please be kind to one another.

"The loss of nature isn’t just a problem for plants and animals. More than half of the world’s GDP is dependent on nature, according to the World Economic Forum. Insects and birds pollinate the crops that the more than 8 billion people on Earth eat. Wetlands store and clean water. Plants and fungi maintain healthy soils and provide medicine. Forests and peatlands sequester climate-warming carbon."

Installation successful, rebooting ... it will, unfortunately, take a while until the service is fully restored.

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The update itself went smoothly, however, we're really struggling with crawling again.

This time, some actor is hitting the API searching for random keywords. We cannot detect and block the offending IP ranges quickly enough.

Initially, we started investigating a regression in Forgejo that causes the slowness until we noticed the new access pattern.

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Forĝejo went copyleft 👍

Copyleft, federation, localization, collective decision-making: signs that the project cares about people and their autonomy.

Does anyone have gig work or looking to hire? I have a friend in serious need and on the verge of homelessness. He knows JS/TS/Python and is very experienced in Android development #askfedi #askFediverse #fediverse #fedi #getfedihired #lookingforwork #help #mutualaid

Will solar PV soon be the cheapest source of electricity in most places around the world?

This Nature paper says yes.

Most surprisingly this is AFTER including short- and long-term storage costs for renewable energy sources.

Codeberg has two downtimes scheduled in the next two days, upgrading #Forgejo to the latest version as well as operation on our owned hardware.

See the notification at for more and up-to-date information.

Thank you for your understanding. We'll try to minimize service disruption.

The 2024 Freedom on the Net report is out. It includes analysis of generative AI in elections globally, and actual attempts at censorship around elections — ie, governments using their power to silence dissidents, or parties manipulating the info space

This week's comic is for my home state of Pennsylvania and other swing states that will decide the US election.

#cartoon #comic #uspol #USPolitics #election #pennsylvania

I find quite annoying, that #Samsung requires me to accept new licensesing terms somehow often. But the won't offer me just difference from last terms I have accepted. I find it rude. They demand me to accept terms without reading or need me to make difference and storing original terms myself. They don't provide old terms when asking. Or read them whole and process again what I did already, without knowing a reason they ask again.

Do you all remember Shireen? Journalist. US citizen. Killed in 2022 by the IDF. When I say killed by the IDF that isn't speculation or insinuation. She was shot by an IDF sniper while where a blue press vest. When news of her death first came out Israel said: It wasn't us. "We weren't even in the area. It must have been Palestinian militants". Then they said "Ok, so maybe we were in the area, but we don't think we shot her. The Palestinian militants were shooting at us, so it was probably them." And finally they fell back to "Maybe we shot her while returning fire or something but we didn't know who she was." However, separate investigations from CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times all established that there had been no Palestinian gunfire prior, that Shireen was standing with a group of other journalists and wearing a clearly marked blue press vest, and her wounds were consistent with being shot by an IDF sniper (whose presence nearby has been admitted to by the IDF).


"Equally unusual, for its time and place, was the solution that Collier proposed. The antidote to the predations of industrial capitalism, he believed, was for non-Indigenous Westerners ultimately to come to understand that they must emulate the Navajo, Hopi and other tribal nations in cultivating “that passion and reverence for … the web of life and the earth which the American Indians have tended as a central, sacred fire since before the Stone Age.” "

"A CNN commentator called six-year old Hind Rajab, who was murdered by the IDF in January 2024, a woman. Conversely, Sky News called the 19 year old Israeli soldiers killed by a Hezbollah drone in October 2024 'teenage victims.' "

I have used a 2D library called gg to make the clock render more quickly and with less CPU load. It is still far from perfect and has the wrong DPI on a mac. But I put it on #Codeberg none the less. So anyone, who is interested, may have a look.

#Amiga #golang #fyne

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The Navajo build thriving farms in parched landscapes
Using traditional rock and stick structures like the ones built by Indigenous peoples to capture water before the arrival of Europeans, Navajo communities in Arizona are defying changing conditions to create productive farms. Scientists confirm that these structures mitigate erosion and increase downstream water availability. Yale Environment 360


"The pro-car zealots at the city council insist on ramming car lanes through the city even though no one in my limited social circle supports them. I personally do not drive a car to work, and therefore I cannot comprehend how a car lane might be useful for someone else.

You cannot turn Wellington into Houston or Los Angeles. The city is different – it has hills, winding roads, and sometimes there is weather. There isn’t enough room to sprawl out with the motorways and wide arterial roads you need for a good car-based transport network.

It’s time someone said what everyone is thinking: the car lanes have no cars. I went out to Kent Terrace at 6am on a Sunday and couldn’t see a car. A survey in 2023 found that just 28% of people in Wellington city usually drive to work. Why are we designing our entire city around a hobby for a small minority of middle-aged men? "

> I wish people would add content warnings to posts that contain links to Threads, Bluesky, Twitter, etc

Or just ... not post links to them at all? Like any sociopath or narcissist, giving those DataFarmers' platforms attention just encourages them ...

After a "Technology is Not Your Friend" induced hiatus, the next episode of the audiobook podcast of The Points Between is finally online!

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