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Looking at you DebianConf and the many other FOSS aligned institutions taking money from big tech.

So the Free Market galaxy brains of the coalition didn't just guarantee Rio Tinto a rock-bottom price on our cleanest electricity (thereby making it harder and more expensive to decarbonise the rest of the grid), they gifted them a whole bunch of carbon credits that had been taken away for really good reasons.

We pay double for this level of corruption. The bills will come due when we fail to meet our Paris commitments.

SCAM ALERT: Data centers bring practically zero local jobs. They are a tax break scam everywhere they operate.

"Washington lawmakers approved a tax break for data centers to create more jobs in rural Washington, but they can’t say how many jobs the state actually got. Repeated expansions turned a modest program to bring a budding industry to rural areas into one of the biggest corporate tax giveaways in the state."

I am proud to annouce that the Gstreamer GTK4 plugin is now available in #Debian. This will allow to directly offload the load of video decoding to hardward via dmabuf, thus greatly reducing CPU load.
#Gstreamer #Rust #Debian

Becoming a nudist only to reduce the amount of laundry I'm sweating through this summer.

ABC No Rio, a Home for Anarchist Artists, Rises Again on the Lower East Side

Years after its demolition, ABC No Rio will get a new energy-efficient headquarters on the same site of its famous Rivington artists’ hub.

Long live ABC No Rio!

#mastodon social removed a post today.

It was a map showing the drastic shrinking of Palestinian territory since 1946.

I challenged it - and mastodon social agreed they were in error.

It seems some bad actor is going around taking down anything that highlights Israel's crimes - 75 years of crimes.

To that bad actor I say -- "The world is waking up to what Israel is, you can't stop that."

Here's the map again because the post was not restored.

#freepalestine, #BDS end the #genocide

if you cannot vet an account pushing "news", no matter how legit they might seem, DO NOT USE THEM AS A NEWS SOURCE.

it's one thing if the account is just posting links to corporate or indy media. it's a completely different thing when they're supposedly live-blogging from places of conflict.

there's a lot of stuff i ignore from Gaza, Ukraine and now Venezuela because i cannot vet the sources.

thousands or millions of followers mean nothing, btw 🧵

John Holloway: "Hope lies not in building the party, not in winning control of the state, an institution absolutely integrated into capitalism that cannot be used to overcome it. Hope now lies in the millions and millions of us who say: No we will not accept your destruction and your mines and your dams and your guns and your wars. We will not accept the rule of money. We shall do things in different ways, connect to one another in different ways. We do not want your totality of death. We do not want any totality. . .

And now we say No. We break away from the totality of capital-death in a million different ways. We communise, fight to take control of the earth before they destroy it completely. We fight to open a gap between the future of capitalism, which can only be death, and the future of humanity, which can still be life."

Read more in "We Are the Crisis of Capital: A John Holloway Reader" (2019)

Today in Attempted Coups 

Sitting in a bar throwing away money. Feels pretty much the same as giving money to the Democrats, but without the buzz.

The publisher that I was on the verge of signing with told me that they have an immovable policy of "no swearing". Why would I work around arbitrary constraints?

They think I've just declined.

What they have actually done is begin an arc that begins with self-publishing and ends with me creating a publishing house that runs them out of business, just because I can sense the weakness in their organization.


Watching the Olympics through binoculars while sitting on my couch and eating snacks. "These young athletes are too SINEWEY. Why don't they look like me? Must be some kind of conspiracy."

Codeberg is now upgraded to Forgejo v8, enjoy!

Read the #Forgejo blog post about the release:

We are currently fixing an issue where the API version is not properly announced (human oversight during the deployment) which might cause issues with third-party clients. It will be fixed every moment.

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We finally have the transcript of our chat with the editors of the Three Way Fight book, out from @kersplebedeb & @pmpress. Check it out alongside many more zines for download, printing & translating at

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If Codeberg is trying to "compete" against GitHub and GitLab, why does it refuse to take a look at AI assistants? Apart from infringing on authors' rights and questionable output quality, we think that the current hype wave led by major companies will leave a climate disaster in its wake:

Other _sustainable_ (and cheaper!) ways for increasing efficiency in software development exist: In-project communication, powerful automation pipelines and reducing boilerplate.

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