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#mastodon social removed a post today.

It was a map showing the drastic shrinking of Palestinian territory since 1946.

I challenged it - and mastodon social agreed they were in error.

It seems some bad actor is going around taking down anything that highlights Israel's crimes - 75 years of crimes.

To that bad actor I say -- "The world is waking up to what Israel is, you can't stop that."

Here's the map again because the post was not restored.

#freepalestine, #BDS end the #genocide

if you cannot vet an account pushing "news", no matter how legit they might seem, DO NOT USE THEM AS A NEWS SOURCE.

it's one thing if the account is just posting links to corporate or indy media. it's a completely different thing when they're supposedly live-blogging from places of conflict.

there's a lot of stuff i ignore from Gaza, Ukraine and now Venezuela because i cannot vet the sources.

thousands or millions of followers mean nothing, btw 🧵

John Holloway: "Hope lies not in building the party, not in winning control of the state, an institution absolutely integrated into capitalism that cannot be used to overcome it. Hope now lies in the millions and millions of us who say: No we will not accept your destruction and your mines and your dams and your guns and your wars. We will not accept the rule of money. We shall do things in different ways, connect to one another in different ways. We do not want your totality of death. We do not want any totality. . .

And now we say No. We break away from the totality of capital-death in a million different ways. We communise, fight to take control of the earth before they destroy it completely. We fight to open a gap between the future of capitalism, which can only be death, and the future of humanity, which can still be life."

Read more in "We Are the Crisis of Capital: A John Holloway Reader" (2019)

Today in Attempted Coups 

Elon Musk is running a fake voter registration website that tricks US voters into thinking they have registered to vote.

I think if anywhere there are #infosec security experts here on Mastodon who know how to confuse and overwhelm Musk's website trickery.

Sitting in a bar throwing away money. Feels pretty much the same as giving money to the Democrats, but without the buzz.

The publisher that I was on the verge of signing with told me that they have an immovable policy of "no swearing". Why would I work around arbitrary constraints?

They think I've just declined.

What they have actually done is begin an arc that begins with self-publishing and ends with me creating a publishing house that runs them out of business, just because I can sense the weakness in their organization.


Watching the Olympics through binoculars while sitting on my couch and eating snacks. "These young athletes are too SINEWEY. Why don't they look like me? Must be some kind of conspiracy."

Codeberg is now upgraded to Forgejo v8, enjoy!

Read the #Forgejo blog post about the release:

We are currently fixing an issue where the API version is not properly announced (human oversight during the deployment) which might cause issues with third-party clients. It will be fixed every moment.

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We finally have the transcript of our chat with the editors of the Three Way Fight book, out from @kersplebedeb & @pmpress. Check it out alongside many more zines for download, printing & translating at

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If Codeberg is trying to "compete" against GitHub and GitLab, why does it refuse to take a look at AI assistants? Apart from infringing on authors' rights and questionable output quality, we think that the current hype wave led by major companies will leave a climate disaster in its wake:

Other _sustainable_ (and cheaper!) ways for increasing efficiency in software development exist: In-project communication, powerful automation pipelines and reducing boilerplate.

I think it's fair to say that much of the media coverage and public discourse surrounding Project 2025 has (rightfully) focused on the fact that it represents a blueprint for transforming America into an overtly (as opposed to covertly) fascist nation where virtually every aspect of political, social, and personal live is governed according to white supremacist, theocratic, Christian Nationalist principles. Given the broad coalition of billionaires and corporate actors working to make Project 2025 a reality however, would it really surprise you to learn that this same blueprint represents a massive financial gift to the rich at the expense of labor class Americans? According to a recent study conducted by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee, that's precisely what Project 2025 will do:

Trump-Aligned Project 2025 Would Mean Higher Taxes for Workers, 'Corporate Welfare' for the Rich

"An economic analysis of the far-right Project 2025 agenda crafted by at least 140 former Trump administration officials shows that the plan would result in higher taxes on working-class Americans and "corporate welfare" for the rich and large businesses."

Like most right wing proposals that actively harm the labor class, the sausage is made by combining multiple regressive taxation policy decisions that ultimately rob American workers and their families of their hard-earned income:

"Together, these changes to tax rates would mean that a family of four earning $90,000 per year would have paid roughly $2,300 more in taxes last year," the JEC found. "If the Child Tax Credit was also eliminated, this family would have paid roughly $6,300 more. Meanwhile, millionaires would pay a lower top tax rate."

The analysis also points to Project 2025's push for a "national sales tax," a highly regressive proposal endorsed by dozens of Republican lawmakers in the House of Representatives.

A national sales tax would "force working families to pay more at the grocery store, gas pump, and any other place they buy goods or services," JEC said Thursday, noting that past GOP proposals "would have hiked the cost of essentials like groceries and housing—usually exempt from state and local sales taxes—by 30%."

This would then in turn be combined with significant tax cuts for American corporations, with more goodies for the rich likely on the way during a potential second Trump presidency:

"Meanwhile, Project 2025 calls for reducing the U.S. corporate tax rate from 21% to 18%. According to The Washington Post, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump's advisers have discussed slashing the tax rate to as low as 15%, and the president himself has told leading executives and his wealthy campaign donors that he intends to push for additional tax cuts if he wins another four years in the White House."

Look folks, I don't think you need me to tell you that so-called "trickle down economics" has been demonstrably proven to be failed policy, and an utter disaster for Americans who don't happen to be billionaires and/or corporate CEOs. But the taxation changes being discussed here aren't even "trickle down" initiatives so much as directly robbing labor class families to fill corporate coffers. No reasonable person should need any more reasons to think Project 2025 is a nightmare that cannot be allowed to become reality, but even broke cracker fascists who think they'll somehow benefit from the installation of a permanent white supremacist, Christian Nationalist regime should realize that paying thousands of dollars more per year in various taxes to help corporate CEO's buy yet another yacht is a terrible deal for everyone but rich people who are already living high on the hog.

#USPol #Project2025 #ClassWar #CorporateWelfare

So far in 2024, journalists in the U.S. have faced numerous violations, including:

Assault: 55
Arrest/criminal charge: 39
Equipment damage: 18
Subpoena/legal order: 7
Other incident: 7
Chilling statement: 6
Prior restraint: 6
Denial of access: 5

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Blocking everyone who posts AI art, starting now. I can't take it any more. I understand that I'm part of a species, a good portion of whom would gladly see their ecosystem burn to ash so long as they get to play with the new toy - and another which thinks they are great intellects for defending said stupidity - but I'm sick of having it shoved in my face all day.

I’ve been a weirdo all my life, and I really enjoy the fact that it makes me different, and I really hate the fact that they’re trying to make the term Weirdo into a bad thing.

I think instead of saying "voting for the President," we should say, "voting for who gets to take the bribes." You know, just for the sake of clarity.

A project of @freedomofpress, the Tracker has documented nearly 2,000 incidents across nearly a dozen categories, affecting more than 1,300 journalists and news organizations across the U.S.

We’ve also published more than 150 in-depth analyses.

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