#Forgejo v7.0.5 was just released! This is a security release.
We recommend that all installations are upgraded to the latest version as soon as possible.
Check out the release notes and download it at https://forgejo.org/releases/. If you experience any issues with this release, please report to https://codeberg.org/forgejo/forgejo/issues.
‘It’s nonsensical’: how Trump is making climate the latest culture war - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/03/trump-climate-culture-war #murica is going mad... #ClimateCrisis
This is really shocking stuff from the Tractor Supply Company. This is a publicly traded company with over 2,000 locations across the U.S. My family spends a non-trivial amount of money there every year, but of course we'll now actively avoid them. The local farmers' co-op should get more of our business anyway. https://ir.tractorsupply.com/newsroom/news-releases/news-releases-details/2024/Tractor-Supply-Company-Statement/default.aspx
Earlier today, Kevin Roberts, chair of Project 2025, threatened violence against anyone who opposes Donald Trump: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."
This is 100% Christofascism. Do not kid yourself. They aim to criminalize birth control, non-Christianity, all sex outside of church sanctioned cishet marriage, all women's rights, and so much more.
Please share and educate the sleepers. https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/heritage-foundation-president-celebrates-supreme-court-immunity-decision-we-are
Job alert! The Ford Foundation is looking for a new Program Officer for its Technology and Society Program.
Know what would destroy the Roberts Court faster than anything? A Judges' Revolt.
If I were a federal judge, I'd decline to honor any of the controversial Roberts Court decisions. I'd openly say, "that decision is not good law because the Court as currently constituted is corrupt and illegitimate, and to follow its decrees would be to violate my oath to the Constitution."
Impeach me. Do it. See if you can get the Senate votes. Otherwise, I'm appointed for life. Now imagine if dozens of federal judges, trial and appellate, did the same thing.
Yes, I am a lawyer. Yes, I am serious.
We're 344 subscribers away from where we were before Amazon pulled the rug out from under their traditional subscription program. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but still much work to do.
Mastodon has now rolled out Built-in bylines, which will allow you to go directly to the social media account (threads, flipboard, wordpress, activitypub, peertube and more) of the Articles author, not just the account of the person who shared the link.
Every year, millions of books are pulped by the book industry’s big distribution companies when they are returned by retail outlets and on-line stores. Last month, we purchased another pallet of "damaged" books from our distributor before they were destroyed.
The majority of returns in the book industry come from Amazon, but small retailers are also forced to send good books to the landfill. Why?
While Amazon and Barnes & Noble receive great rates from the industry’s big distributors, small bookstores are squeezed–their margins are substantially smaller. For a small bookstore, selling a new book is only profitable when you sell it at full price. It’s impossible to compete with Amazon’s prices, and returning unsold stock is the only way to ensure that you aren’t losing money.
We pay to save our books from the landfill to challenge the absurd capitalistic logic forcing booksellers everywhere to destroy perfectly good books. Most major publishers have little physical contact with their stock, but our warehousing experience allows us to offer these books back to our readers at a steep discount. We do this to mitigate large losses and to get radical books into more hands.
So, pick up a few great books cheap while helping us fight back against capitalist profligacy.
All damages are 70% off with coupon code "Damages" until August 1st. https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_list&c=195
Available now from @pmpress DIY OR DIE! Do-It-Yourself, Do-It-Together & Punk Anarchism, featuring a chapter by yours truly. It's my first time in a book and it'll make me really happy if you buy it! https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_detail&p=1756
I turned 53 today. That would normally just be annoying, but yesterday the AARP sent me a letter congratulating me for turning 65 and invited me to join, so I'm a bit put off by that.
I can't think of any other thing that happened yesterday that would destroy my faith in humanity. Nope. Not a single thing. :-/
My new post: "At its moment of peril, democracy needs journalists to be activists"
"Dear journalists: This is your moment, your opportunity.
"It’s your chance, maybe your final one, to stand proudly for reality and democracy, for freedom of expression, for human rights. Stand up as journalism’s best — think Ida B. Wells and Edward R. Murrow, among so many others — did in earlier times as they challenged a tide of political evil and helped America change its course."
The Hunt for the Most Efficient #HeatPump in the World - https://www.wired.com/story/heat-pump-maximum-efficiency/ "A new generation of engineers has realized they can push heat pumps to the limit, but just how much heat you can extract depends on your setup."
Another insightful post by @celesteh about keeping a clear-eyed view of political realities:
"I think to have journalism with integrity you have to have technology with integrity, and in my mind, Open Source is the way to have technology with integrity. I want the best journalism to win because its the best journalism, not because they have the best platform."
#JohnONolan, founder of Ghost
Brazil's Amazon sees worst 6 months of wildfires in 20 years
33 minutes ago33 minutes ago
Climate change has caused parts of the Amazon to become drier and more prone to fires. Meanwhile, the Pantanal wetland is facing the worst drought in more than 70 years
(text available in “reading mode”)
#Brazil #Amazon #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa