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Okay, what's going on here? I switched to a thicker #needle and now the #thread refuses to go back up.

More tension made it happen less often, but still I can't sew anything like this.


#sewing #mechanics #akfedi

"I just got back from a trip to a substantially less developed country, and really living in a country, even for a little bit, where I could see how many lives that money could improve, all being poured down the Microsoft Fabric drain, it just grinds my gears like you wouldn't believe. I swear to God, I am going to study, write, network, and otherwise apply force to the problem until those resources are going to a place where they'll accomplish something for society..."

@lwriemen @lightweight

There are also nasty maneuvers that promote and preserve 20th-century U.S. style planning, including the presumption that road use should be free but that transit should cost money to use and in fact needs to make a profit.

@dynamic Yup - return on municipal investment. Some are positive, others are negative (and the tax paid by others subsidise the latter).

For those who still haven't gotten the memo - the federal "debt" isn't anything at all like your household debt, regardless what your favorite psychopa...politician has been telling you about it.

Regarding the discussion of whether posters should have control over who gets to reply to their posts, here are screenshots of the "Advanced configuration" dialog for privacy settings on Hubzilla channels.

The same pull-down options are available for all fields.

Note: in Hubzilla-speak, a channel is the same thing as an identity.

Cultural appropriation 

@marshray @kissane @powerllama One of the symptoms of being abused by narcissists is holding on to stuff to use to defend yourself with later. Ask me how I know, or why I am a hoarder of digital info.

And every couple years I’ll go through and delete these screenshots, and without fail within weeks I will regret deleting something. But part of that is because I live near the toxic small town I grew up in. It’s gross here.

Time Magazine published this transcript of its Trump interview(s) in April. In it, the liar-in-chief said he'd release a "big statement" on the abortion pill mifepristone within 14 days.

As with so many other promises, he of course was lying.

But journalists are a culpable party in this, because they almost never follow up. He counts on their short attention span, and their willingness to let him lie without accountability.

And they accommodate his deceit.

Malpractice. Also standard.

The average UK height of five-year-olds is falling, obesity levels have increased by over 30% and the number of young people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has risen by over 20%, the report by the Food Foundation said.

Aggressive marketing of cheap ultra-processed food, diets lacking essential nutrition and high levels of poverty and deprivation are driving the “significant decline” in children’s health, researchers found. #Tories #Food #Nutrition

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via Scientific American: "Objectively speaking, we are living through a dumpster fire of a historical moment."

The first thing I read about bird flu in milk (iirc, from a gov. scientist) was that, unfortunately, the pasteurization process does not kill the virus. I saw that fact mentioned all of one time, and ever since it's just been, "stay away from raw milk." We live in a world run by idiots.

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I know the Dems are less anti-science than the Repubs, but when this is what we get from them for public health policy, it hardly makes any difference.

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Pol / weaponizing charges of anti-semitism 

Pol / weaponizing charges of anti-semitism 

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I know it's hard to keep track of this after a couple decades of indoctrination by Twitter and others that public posts necessitate public dialog and that the commenters own their comments, but there really are other ways to do this.

#Livejournal / #Dreamwidth had/has an entirely different model. The original poster owns the reply thread and has total control over not just reactive moderation but pro-active screening. The person who started a conversation curates what other people see.

US pol / genocide 

We're getting ever closer to the date in this comic, which I drew in 2012. Very cool.

Does anyone know of an explanation why exactly the wrong #needle on a #sewing #machine will cause dropped stitches?

When I run fast over jeans, it skips on the seam.

When I run it slowly, it doesn't happen.


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