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The General Public License (GPL) is unfortunately not suited for electronic devices and silicon chips in particular. We would like therefore to develop a GPL-compatible hardware licence.

Are you interested to submit a tender? Then do so by July 3:


Just in case you need a reminder, the Taxpayers' Union and the Free Speech Union are not real unions, but Fuck-You-nions.

Sorry to say, is under a ddos attack. The data is not affected, but most services are unavailable.

We are working on it & will post updates in comments.

"Proprietary software like Windows is fundamentally insecure not because of Microsoft's privacy policies but because its code is hidden from the very users whose interests it is supposed to secure. A lock on your own house to which you do not have the master key is not a security system, it is a jail." John Sullivan

Ultra processed foods 

I'm really surprised that these two articles haven't been publicised far more widely... (oh wait, I forgot who most tech magazines depend on for most of their advertising revenue):

And remember Munich? The Bavarian city that switched to Linux more than a decade back? And then famously - with much more fanfare (again, wonder why) - switched back to Windows? Well... they've gone back to #libre again... The full saga: #DigitalSovereignty

The UK races toward police state status, assisted by a technology industry that has pure contempt for privacy and ethics.

HP Support: We can enable that feature for $17 per month or $2.99 per document (up to 10 pages).

Wow. A microbiology lab at Texas A&M accepted purchased raw milk samples from NPR for H5N1 testing, then contacted the milk producers to seek permission. When the producers said, "don't test our milk," the lab not only declined to carry out the tests but also refused to send the samples on to another lab.

Question for security-minded people:

How are you handling video calls in light of Win 11 Recall / Copilot?

I do not consent to other people randomly recording me. How on earth do I vet everyone's operating systems for work calls?

Right now I am angry & thus not framing the question elegantly. For the love of all that's holy, do not lecture me about asking the wrong question or in the wrong way.

If you have mandatory work video calls, how are you handling this yourself?

Burnout in the FOSS community is real, and I'm glad that it's something that is being talked about more in blogs and conferences. There is a different flavor of burnout and emotional toll when you are sacrificing for a cause you believe in (especially in FOSS where people are often working for free or at below market rate). Working for a cause you believe in brings the highest highs when things are going well, but the lowest lows when they go badly.

#FOSS #burnout

If I followed my heart, I would be dedicating my free time to building more resilient food systems, or working to actively grow our neighborhood mutual aid system, or fighting for various important changes in my city and state. But all of that takes energy. My supply of energy is limited. And meanwhile, we've lost federal protections for reproductive freedom, trans people are unable to get the health care they need, and voting rights are being degraded.

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@dynamic I'm sorry, but as someone who was heavily involved in Occupy and remembers quite well the Federally coordinated multi-state crackdown, I feel compelled to remind you that it was not the Bush admin's DHS that led the charge to break up the encampments and bash in heads, but the Obama admin's. Bush was not in office, and to pretend like he was somehow was still calling shots at DHS in 2011 is...strange. Bush has plenty of blood on his hands, but Obama has to own that one...just sayin'.

kakistocracy in action 

The really big changes---working toward mutual care, dismantling capitalism, learning to work in partnership with the more-than-human world rather than treating it as something to exploit---these will never be delivered by governments that are responsive to business interests or the desires of the hyperwealthy. And yet, that's what governments do, with the U.S. government more guilty than most.

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@GossiTheDog #Windows and #Microsoft products are thus not suitable for use in #school. Our #education system should be free of #surveillance tech.

We should not be normalising this kind of dangerous #spyware by teaching kids that this is normal.
#SpywareByDesign #Recall

Modest proposal.

Bring back the corporate death penalty. Use it for things like ecocide, gross pollution, and wage theft.

Liquidate and give the proceeds to those who were wronged.

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