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"Spotify’s CEO is now a billionaire but it takes artists 334 streams to make $1. The company just enacted a plan to completely demonetize smaller artists. Under the new policy, tracks that get under a certain threshold of annual streams will receive no money from the company. Groups like United Musicians and Allied Workers (ig: weareumaw) are fighting to save their industry."

#Union #capitalism

Librarians -- among the most essential members of our communities -- are under increasing attacks from right-wing extremists.

lawmakers in Louisiana are contemplating a law that flouts librarians' freedom of expression and association (core parts of the First Amendment) -- which of course is the point.

@mozilla @tlodato

Why exactly are you using and promoting Figma when @penpot exists?

What happened to the #Mozilla Manifesto?

"Free and open source software promotes the development of the internet as a public resource ... promote the Mozilla Manifesto principles in public discourse and within the internet industry."

conduct expectations are commensurate with your reputation, power and influence. this is why code of conducts have wordings like maintainers are expected to role-model and enforce good conduct

or in other words: you built it, you lead it, you own it. the good parts, and very much also the bad parts

there's no "accidental" when your community goes brigading and harrassing, because it simply doesn't matter whether it happens with intent or due to lack of clue

@dgfitch Franklin Rosemont's book "Joe Hill: The IWW & The Making of a Revolutionary Workingclass Counterculture" (@pmpress 2015) is fantastic, I highly recommend it.

> Schleswig-Holstein, Germany's most northern state, is starting its switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice, and is planning to move from Windows to Linux on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions.


@isonewengland #isonewengland did not like that psa AT ALL and *asked* to refrain from communications like that. I responded by doubling down asking for demand response data during yesterday’s eclipse. They apparently just fired up gas peakers at ratepayer expense & didn’t activate DR - or at least neglected to mention it. Our grid manager is failing us, it’s getting exposed, & they don’t like it.

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I finally got a chance to translate my latest video reports on the ongoing anti-logging blockades by #Nehirowisiw land defenders in so called "Quebec, Canada"

Alabama: Property is cheap because life is too

Kinda sorta doing the almost right thing 

Technical question about words. Can an "app" be "integrated with ActivityPub"?

I feel like those words don't go together, but I might be misunderstanding some vocabulary.


My dear American friends: imagine if regardless of whether you voted for Biden for Trump, your family would die. Which would you vote for? Or would you do whatever you could to either convince Biden not to kill your family or find someone else to replace him who wouldn’t kill your family? And if that’s what you’d do, why aren’t you doing it when it’s not your family but someone else’s?

#biden #trump #uspol #usa #UnitedStates #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #genocide #ethnicCleansing #apatheid

Via Marcelo Vieta,

Request for international #solidarity:

The right-wing government of Argentina recently announced plans to shutdown over 11,000 #cooperatives. Cooperators and workers in #Argentina have been mobilizing to prevent these closures.

Please sign this open letter in support of Argentina’s more than 24,000 cooperatives that have been providing good and decent jobs to tens of thousands of Argentines.

Want to build your own lock screen widget or quick setting in #phosh? @arunmani explains how that works in 🛠️

#phosh #gtk #LinuxMobile #linux #mobile

Hey Fediverse! @workingclasshistory has a Kickstarter for a book about the Vermont AFL-CIO, to be published by @pmpress, with nine days and about 3.2k to go. I want to see this book published, so if you can pitch something in, please do!! Boost and share too!

#1U #Union #UnionStrong #Labor #Organizing #AFLCIO #VermontAFLCIO #Vermont #WorkingClass #WorkingClassHistory #PMpress

Because of Arizona’s horrendous abortion ruling today, every event planner I know is going to cross another state off their list of “places we can hold conferences and offsites that support emergency healthcare procedures if they arise with any of our employees while they are there”.

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