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“Virtually every serious condensed-matter physicist I know saw right away that there were serious problems with the work,” says Peter Armitage, an experimental physicist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

[Nature retracts controversial superconductivity paper by embattled physicist]

Dream job alert: Defend civil liberties and innovation at EFF as a Staff Attorney working on patent, copyright, and related fields.

Over the past few years all the major tech companies of the GAFAM have shadow-banned or literally banned most of the collectives using Now we've learned that the Turkish state has blocked access to our domain due to "distribution of terrorist propaganda". More than ever, the State, the cops and those in power want to keep revolutionary ideas and counter-information out of the mainstream.

This seemed like a good time to remind people that is also accessible as an onion service using Tor Browser with the following link :

If you don't have Tor Browser, you can download it on the Tor Project website:

If your ISP blocks access to the Tor Project website, you can visit this page for alternative ways to download the Tor Browser :

Furthermore, with all the mainstream social media algorithms showing us almost nothing but ads, you may feel like you're now missing some good anarchist content you were enjoying in the past. If it's the case, you can subscribe to a Peertube channel's RSS feed or also subscribe to the newsletters of different projects to never miss a video.

#anarchism #repression #censorship #tor

A New US Privacy Bill Seeks to End Warrantless Police and FBI Spying: The Government Surveillance Reform Act of 2023 pulls from past privacy bills to overhaul how police and the feds access Americans’ data and communications.

Great to learn of a growing African presence on the fediverse. For the first time, I came across an Algeria themed 🇩🇿 instance, perhaps the first instance set up for and by an African community here (there could be others that I'm not aware of).

The instance is (Dz, short for the country's local name "Dzayer" and .dz is the country's internet domain code.

It's a start. Happy to see a Maghreb presence here. P.S Algerians are amazing people to befriend.

When people say socialized medicine will result in long waits to see overextended, disinterested doctors they did not choose, I wonder what the actual fuck their experience with American health care is because mine is exactly that already, but also very, very expensive.

25% Off All Merch Sale until 12/1!

Save 25% on all shirts, hoodies, benefit bandanas & puzzles with coupon code MERCH at

Groups who benefit get the same funds, like the Atlanta Solidarity Fund @AtlSolFund from @nobonzo's #StopCopCity shirt.

One of the nicest things about supporting #anarchist workers collectives rather than companies is the genuine concern that I'd dropped off the twig and become an ex-parrot when I'd missed a couple of month's of subscription emails.

Thanks for being the real deal @pmpress 💖

Looking forward to the back log of books clogging up my desk 🤣

#anarchism #allWeHaveIsEachOther #ImNotDead #IFeelFine #IDontWantToGoOnTheCart #IFeelHappy

I got a wild hair and designed a cooperative board game. It's about ready for play-testing. I have no idea if it will work at all, much less be any fun, but I've enjoyed the process of designing and making it (even if my art skills are distnctly third-rate).

Well folks, we've just been served notice by the state of Turkey that they will block access if we do not remove content in support of Kurdish Autonomy in Rojava.

Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Technoscience and Indigenous Communities (Associate/Full Professor) School of Health Policy & Management and School of Nursing, Faculty of Health. DEADLINE NOV 15. #STS #indigenouspeoplesday

Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Technology, Society and Disability (Associate/Full Professor) Department of Social Science, Department of Sociology and the School of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. DEADLINE JAN 22. #STS #DisabilityStudies


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This is your twice-annual reminder that, contrary to a popular and easily falsified myth, essentially all of New England is in the idealized -5 (US Eastern) zone.

If someone tries to tell you that we "should" be in the -4 (Atlantic) time zone purely due to geography, you can show them any time zone map. Here's a handy one for reference.


Just learned about a new NSF program to research a "Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace":

This is well outside my realm of expertise, but perhaps the link is useful to other U.S. scientists on Fedi?

Solidarity and love to my comrades in #Tacoma who showed up in this nasty weather to stop the ship bringing arms to Israel at the Port. Thank all.

#freepalestine #ceasefirenow

Our new snazzy DisCO website is here! ✨

Lots of new content to learn and understand how DisCO combines feminist economics, cooperativism, the commons and P2P practices to open paths towards a fairer, more distributed future of work!

Check it out! 👇

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