It's official, the in-person #Codeberg User Meetup in Düsseldorf is happening. The event is open to the public and no registration is necessary.
The event will not have much of a structure, but expect discussions about Codeberg and project maintenance.
📅 Sunday, 2023-10-22, from 17:30 CEST (late arrivals welcome!)
📍 Chaosdorf / Chaos Computer Club Düsseldorf:
😷 Please come with a mask and test for COVID / flu.
🕊️ Huge thanks to @chaosdorf for making this possible.
Announcing the "How do you use Co-op Cloud?" survey!
I'm trying to gather stories about how people use Co-op Cloud. With your consent, I will share these at the "Engineering for Digital Sovereignty" presentation during (@DISCOSlovenia) on the 24th of October. Images are very much appreciated, the more visuals the better (for the slides).
Thank you! Signal boosts are very welcome!
It's that time of year to cozy up with friends and take down fascists.
Sign up as a Friend of PM this month to get this ALWAYS ANTIFASCIST beanie as a FREE gift along with two new books!
Go to, choose "Print plus" & write "beanie" in the Order Comments.
Holy cats, somebody put together a conference for #therapists and #hackers about sex and tech/internet and security and mental health.
Securing Sexuality Conference
Oct 19 & 20, 2023
(Yes, there's CEs.)
It looks incredible. (qv "Schedule")
I'm bummed I'm only learning about this now, and that I can't travel due to health reasons, and also there's still a pandemic ongoing. But while they're not live streaming it, they are making recordings which I'll probably buy.
The podcasting network Maximum Fun became a worker owned #cooperative earlier this year, and they’re doing an AMA right now on /r/cooperatives. May be of interest to #coop folks:
Solidarity alert! #Bandcamp has been sold to #Songtradr, and Songtradr's CEO has not recognized the the #BandcampUnited union and is not promising to offer jobs to all current employees.
A terrible look ahead of #BandcampFriday, new owners!
BandcampUnited is asking people to sign in support here:
We've pre-released Ian's interview with Ian McIntyre & @SeanCarleton on the new @pmpress book on Ernest Riebe's Mr. Block comics and writings from the early IWW.
For $3+/month, you can get early access to this, other audios & thank you's for funding our transcription.
"The Current Siting scenario results in a significant loss of carbon from forests ranging from 5.7 to 5.9 MMTCO 2 e. This is 4.7 to 4.9 MMTCO 2 e higher than projected losses of forest carbon under the [our] Protecting Nature... scenarios. ...[W]e calculated the costs of making up this decrement to forests’ carbon removal capacity by achieving other types of GHG emission reductions."
Here's what I was able to turn up on white supremacy by Baker Creek Seeds.
Really not good.
If there's more, please let me know.
Because I was still on the mailing list for some reason, let me remind you to NOT BUY from #BakerCreekSeeds because of their blatant support of right wing ideologies and white supremacy.
Better options: High Mowing Seeds, Sow True Seed, Heritage Seed Market, Alliance of Native Seedkeepers, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Fedco Seed.
#gardening #seeds #plants #vegetables #democracy #homesteading #farming #farm
(reposted on new instance)
> some people don't want a day job to become recreational "job" and prefer not to have to worry about all that stuff
That's fair, and a good argument for a thriving market hosting services using fully Free Code software, where people can choose the service that suits them, and move between them with minimal friction."Like-in not lock-in", to quote Dan Randow.
More Supreme Court corruption: "John Roberts and Samuel Alito own shares of companies that could score billions in tax relief from the outcome of Moore v. United States."
From The Lever (which, sigh, doesn't have a Mastodon presence):
Preliminary results from the Denver Basic Income Project that's providing cash to hundreds of unhoused people for one year, using the first 6 months of data:
• NO ONE receiving $1,000/mo still sleeping outside
• Full-time employment increased
• Fewer visits to the ER
• Fewer nights spent in jail
• Reduced use of social and public services
Read the full report:
Explained: What Are the Stories Done By Journalists Raided By the Delhi Police Today?
These are journalists who have been covering social issues largely ignored by the mainstream big media.
#delhi #DelhiPolice #newsclick #DelhiPoliceRaids #AdaniGroup #adani #DelhiRiots #DelhiRiotsCases #ElectoralBonds #OldPensionScheme #UAPA #dissent #BiharCasteCensus #RSS #journalism #activism #satire #media #PressFreedom #DraconianLaws #law #hindutva #adani #modi #india
Google's just-released internal memos at the antitrust trial are smoking guns. What a sleazy company it has become.
Read the latest from @doctorow
“I want the city to start hiring accountable officers.” — Freelance journalist Lucas Mullikin, who was arrested in May while filming officers detain a man in Yuma, Arizona.
He accepted an offer of probation on Sept. 19.
The Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation and Recreation plans to take space away from an Emerald Necklace bikeway to "create another lane of traffic and alleviate congestion" on the Arborway.
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa