8675309 (as in, Jenny's number from the Tommy Tutone song) is a prime number. What's more, it's the bottom half of a twin prime pair: add 2, and you get 8675311, which is ALSO prime.
If you're writing software that implements number-theoretic algorithms, it can be problematic to test it using small primes like 7 or 11, because small primes tend to have a lot of weird properties tend to trigger exceptions and edge cases. Having a pair of easy-to-remember, "big enough" prime numbers like the Jenny primes is really useful.
The US News and World Report just released their annual College Rankings — and you should ignore them.
A reminder that last year their "Chief Data Strategist" somehow admitted in public that every year they screw around with the ranking algorithm until it gives results they like.
Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-news-college-rankings-yale-law-fe24f0b2
@jhavok @sofiav @HeavenlyPossum @RD4Anarchy @jameshowell @breadandcircuses @emmreef I'm just gonna leave this here.
Look at the year it was written.
Let that sink in.
Just keep following @breadandcircuses and think about how much time we've already wasted playing these games.
Lancaster's Music #Coop is coming back after signing a 99 year lease with the city and getting funding for repairs.
Native American tribes are joining together to create a hemp #cooperative consortium!
Subscribe to the GEO Newsletter and get #Cooperative and #SolidarityEconomy goodness delivered to your inbox every Tuesday!
Welcome to the co-op fam Louder Than Ten! https://louderthanten.com/coax/introducing-the-louder-than-ten-workers-cooperative #canada #workercoop
HELLO PARTY (Chicago area) PEOPLE!!!
I will be at Women & Children First Bookstore THIS FRIDAY to talk about my book PERIOD with the amazing Heather Corinna of Scarleteen.
Spread the word! Come yourself! Buy a book or seven!
(AND for my fellow covid safe girlie pops* - masks required!)
*My teen son swears girlie pop is gender neutral
Our provider confirmed the network outage and is still investigating the cause.
There might be another short interruption due to maintenance work in order to permanently fix the problem.
Thank you for your patience, we are back online.
Hey Social.coop braintrust: I've got someone who is interested in doing a #WorkerCoop conversion in New Jersey with a small manufacturing firm - who should they be talking to? Who are the co-op associations/developers/professionals in the area they should be reaching out to?
@linmob @s31bz @bradlinder Yeah, the #librem5 is the one phone that most mobian developers currently recommend and use. Both purism and mobian devs are quite active with migrating things into @debian proper. We are aware of the price tag, but would like to reiterate that this actually includes salaries for mobile Linux developers.
Environmental policy in the UK has reverted to "let it burn" -- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-66857551
It never ceases to amaze me how people can see the same evidence and jump to entirely different conclusions based on their preconceptions and prejudices and their ability to distinguish anecdote from statistic. Democracies do best in egalitarian societies where people value education. They're not doing well in most currently (precariously) democratic societies because of increasing inequity and hostility toward education.
UK Government ‘Concession’ On Breaking End-to-End #Encryption In The Online Safety Act (Just Passed) Turns Out Not To Be One - https://www.techdirt.com/2023/09/19/uk-government-concession-on-breaking-end-to-end-encryption-in-the-online-safety-act-just-passed-turns-out-not-to-be-one/ this would be entertaining if it weren't so awful...
"The report titled Indigenous Identity Fraud within NCNS and obtained by APTN News, was submitted to the Native Council of Nova Scotia (NCNS). It says that more than 300 members should be removed due to the author’s research which found they do not have Indigenous ancestry." #pretendianism
Forty years of #GNU and the free software movement - https://www.fsf.org/news/forty-years-of-gnu-and-the-free-software-movement "On September 27, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) celebrates the 40th anniversary of the GNU operating system and the launch of the free software movement."
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa