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The English suffix "-ard" (as in "drunkard", "laggard", "braggard", and "sluggard") is used to make adjectives into deprecating nouns.

"He's drunk" is just a description.
"He's a drunkard" is a moral judgment that finds the subject lacking.

The same process turned "he's wise" into "he's a wizard".

"Wizard" was the medieval equivalent of "smartass".

“FIDE’s transgender policy is ridiculous and dangerous,” grandmaster and two-time US champion Jennifer Shahade said in a statement to “It’s obvious they didn’t consult with any transgender players in constructing it. It’s also sinister timing that this comes out just as chess is finally reckoning with sexual assault and harassment in chess highlighting the links between misogyny and transphobia.”


Interdependence according to an ecologist: We are all part of an interconnected biosphere, and everything we do affects everything else; take care in your actions.

Interdependence according to a disability rights activist: All humans need other humans for things; it is actually fine to help people out when they need it, in fact, it's our responsibility.

Interdependence according to a capitalist imperialist: the fact that you have plastic in your house proves that we need to go to war for oil.

These fracking billionaires actually believe #ClimateChange is their ‘god’s’ will and that it will be ‘divine destiny’ if the Polar ice caps melt.

This is the extremist far right propaganda that is being taught to children in American schools, bringing psuedo-science and climate denialism into the heart of US education courtesy of neo-Nazi’s like Ron DeSantis.

These cynical grifters are a threat to our very survival and the stability of our planet.

I don't know a whole lot about the internals of how public comments are processed by U.S. agencies, but my understanding is that specificity and technical knowledge adds real weight to a public comment. If you have domain-specific expertise, it really helps if you can show it.

This impression is based on guidelines I heard at a Union of Concerned Scientists meeting years ago, and is also reflected in the "Commenter's Checklist" available on the official comment page.

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Time-sensitive US Pol on COVID vaxx policy (comments due Sept. 8 2023) 

Right-wing laundering of American history is going national. Here's a Pennysylvania school district that's using BS lessons to teach students lies about our past.

‘It’s slavery for modern times’: how children of 12 toil in Colorado’s fields - and in increasingly unbearable heat... #murica

One extra thing to highlight - Microsoft’s blog doesn’t mention it, but they demo’d the technique of using a signing key to access email from a different account using M365 on stage at BlackHat 3 years ago and made various recommendations to stop it happening again... which weren’t implemented.

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I hate it when you follow a link to a really great blog post and you're two paragraphs in thinking oh my god this is really good but then a modal popup window from substack asks you to subscribe to this newsletter and you have to hit "continue reading" to finish and then you wonder if this great blog entry will last on someone else's service that may not be around in a few years

#NYT content to let Bret Stephens spout utter shite about US withdrawal from #Afghanistan and how #Biden must bear ultimate responsibility for making the world a more dangerous place. Basic fact-check would have underscored that #Trump admin negotiated the withdrawal terms as well as the fact that troop levels had been reduced from 13K to 2.5K before the Nov 2020 election. #media #journalism #democracy

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, Microsoft

These are the first 6 companies designated as ‘gatekeepers' under the Digital Markets Act.

They have 6 months to ensure their core platform services comply with our rules, including:

✔ Allowing users to unsubscribe and remove pre-installed services
✔ Allowing the download of alternative app stores

❌ Banning tracking outside of their services without consent
❌ Stopping ranking their products more favourably!NbfBbn


It would have been much less embarrassing for #Toyota to claim it had been hacked - but, no, it was just bad IT Operations management

But to be fair, even though systems #monitoring was invented decades ago, i still hear of far too many organisations not managing disk capacity or certificate expirys

"While Microsoft said when it disclosed the incident in July that only Exchange Online and Outlook were impacted, Wiz security researcher Shir Tamari later said that the compromised Microsoft consumer signing key provided Storm-0558 widespread access to Microsoft cloud services.

As Tamari said, the key could be used to impersonate any account within any impacted customer or cloud-based Microsoft application."

dear @mozilla,

it's a good article! but the solution isn't to "ask[] car companies to stop their huge data collection programs" or have readers sign a petition.

the solution is called *regulation* and you should ask people to call their congresspersons, not sign a petition you made up.

there is no "voluntary" step that will durably prevent profit-maximizing firms from doing profit-generating things, no matter how creepy.

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