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#BigPharma doesn't generally create cures, because they're not as profitable as ongoing 'treatments' & 'therapies' allowing them to sell us something for the rest of our prolonged but slightly miserable lives. Similarly, IT security vendors don't tell you the key thing you can do to protect yourself digitally. They want to sell you anti-virus & 'enterprise intrusion detection systems', etc. But they'll never say: you would vastly reduce your risk & costs by *not using MS Windows*.

Signal is becoming one of the most popular ways for newsrooms to get tips. It's easy enough to set up on your personal device, but having an institutional tip account is another thing entirely.

Here's how to overcome challenges when setting up Signal tiplines, based on a recent case study with @publicsource and our @freedomofpress digital security training team's previous experience.

This might seem expected or innocuous even, but there is a lot of insight—and some creepy abilities—that can be gleaned from tracker links nowadays which put all of our privacy at risk and the security of some of us at risk.

When you open a link on Instagram or Facebook in the in-app browser (on both Android and iOS) for example, Meta can not only record the site you're on, but capture the keystrokes and data you enter (emails, names, addresses, etc).

Coverage via @TheGuardian:

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Organizers and privacy-minded people: a mini thread on URLs and URL sharing and a tool 🧵🛠️

Lots of apps and sites modify links (like social media apps and news sites, particularly Instagram) to embed trackers that allow them to market to you, among other things.

You might see this in the form of a shortened URL or a link that is hella long, like when you copy a link from Instagram like "https://www.instagram. com/poorprolesalmanac?igshid=98s7duj4ed5". It's typically the part after the "?" that is the culprit, but sometimes it's embedded or not so clear where a link ends and where the trackers begin.

Read why "Web Environment Integrity" is terrible, and why we must vocally oppose it now. Google's latest maneuver, if we don't act now to stop it, threatens our freedom to explore the Internet with browsers of our choice: #EndDRM #Enshittification #Google #WebStandards #DefectiveByDesign

So, the cat's out of the bag. Corporate greed is the driver for the inflation and cost of living crisis.

I'd have preferred an RNZ link (where I heard about it this morning), but could only find this one on the short:

We need to discredit the entire concept of corporate-developed proprietary software.

I’m afraid that to reach those people, you may need to “speak their language” to some extent, by appealing to ideas of toughness. But toughness should not be understood as necessarily male. Caring for the planet we inhabit is a form of strength, virtue, and personal responsibility, qualities that can apply to men and women equally. (cont'd)

What's most infuriating about the current state of affairs for my #Thinkpad T61 is that not only does the display on an external monitor work fine, but also when I have an external monitor hooked up, the internal display stops glitching.

So there's the right parts there to work right in theory. My friend and I guess this points to a voltage discrepancy, but I don't know if there's anywhere to go from here.

It's very frustrating and I would welcome any thoughts.


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Unhoused person in LA: "It's crazy because a week ago I was just like these people, before the eviction. Living there (points at building on corner). Every morning, I'd say good morning to everyone. Now, no one looks at me. No one says good morning.

"I'm the same person I was when I was under a roof and four walls. More stressed and sleep deprived and with less stuff but the same person. No more good mornings until I get inside I guess."

Norway has one of the lowest crash death rates in the world, with fatalities dropping ~50% in the last decade. I asked a senior Norwegian transportation official what role car technology has played enhancing safety.

“None,” she replied. “We focus on road design and enforcement."

#norway #safety #transportation

Love James McMurty. Asked about performing in drag, which he does to protest anti-drag laws, he said, "who are we hurtin'? It's not like we're puttin' razor wire in a river..."

This month's loot from @pmpress :

Shades of Resistance

“In its treatment of those unexceptional humans who make the exceptional decision to risk and resist, it succeeds splendidly in illuminating the discovery that resistance is not so much a choice as a necessity.”

Silence is No Reaction: Forty Years of Subhumans

“It’s all here... everything you could possibly want to know about this very special band.”

#punk #music #fiction #anarchism

100 years ago today, on Aug 25, 1923, thirty thousand Klansmen descended on Carnegie, PA to teach immigrants a “lesson.”

The community banded together, made a stand, and kicked the Klan's ass out of town.

Learn more in The Day the Klan Came to Town

:TwinPines: Disturbance, Response, and Persistence in Self-Organized Forested Communities: Analysis of Robustness and Resilience in Five Communities in Southern Indiana

:TwinPines: This interview by @ntnsndr is kind of wild. You don't have 2 do much reading between the lines 2 see that this project had some big issues from the jump. And the difference between the worker's attitude (we're scared for the future) & the lawyer's attitude (we're proud of what we accomplished) demonstrates pretty well one of my big problems w/ #WorkerCoop development - the real risk is all on the workers, not the developers who come out fine no matter what.

@sjvn sounds like a big step backwards to me - it's effectively enhanced exploitative co-dependence, that you pay extra for... or are ChromeOS users getting extra exploitation & co-dependence for 'free'?

While everyone salivates over a certain forthcoming mugshot, let’s all remember that Mugshots. Stay. Online. Forever. and that actually ruins regular people’s lives—people who are presumed innocent. Signed, an exhausted public defender.

"A huge amount has been invested into AI but consumers aren’t taking the bait. They’re treating it like those American Online startup disks in the mail.

Bingo!—straight into the trash."

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