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Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) revealed today that RCS Labs, an Italian spyware vendor, has received help from some Internet service providers (ISPs) to infect Android and iOS users in #Italy and #Kazakhstan with commercial surveillance tools.

#Spyware #ISP #iOS #Android

thanks @nicksellen !
Key advantage of co-op fedi instance: "you *Do NOT* switch from having twitter/facebook as your overlord to some random person running an instance who might go away, be horrible, whatever" - instead you can be a member of the co-op that runs the instance.

@Matt_Noyes @mike_hales @bonfire

I like to keep my eyes open around community oriented tech, a lot of talk of interesting potentials at various stages of concept.

Very common that after writing about the cool new decentralized community tech coming, it says (real examples):

"We use Slack, Zoom, Miro, Asana, and Google Docs to collaborate."

"You can also read our updates on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord"

This community-way isn't quite there yet I think...

Violate one license and you’re a criminal. Violate every license and you’re an AI.

#microsoft #copilot

Need to drink my coffee, before I post stupid things. Not sure if I agree with Forgefriends mission, but I might have to make use of their services someday.

If you don't know, I'm working on an open-source multiplayer shooter game called #Liblast.

There's a small team working on the game, but we're always looking for new contributors - if you're familiar with #Godot and would like to help make this game happen, check out !

Here's one of the playtesting session we've held a couple months ago:

The game is still changing a lot and we have lots of exciting developments in the making.

#unfa #GameDev

So let me get this straight:

Github scanned a bunch of open source projects.

They trained an AI with it.

They basically ignored the licenses and tried to shove a "because we are basically copying GPL code, it doesn't mean the result is GPL".

And now they are charging for it?

Lots of understandable concern today as #Microsoft #GitHub announced their new #Copilot availability today. Probably worth a reminder that @conservancy has convened a working group on #ethics, #licensing, and other related issues, especially for #FreeSoftware and #OpenSource contributors.

Perhaps you or others may want to join or read more?

Boosts welcome! :boost_requested:

#OpenSource #OSsummit session Q&A today

Q from virtual attendee: "I would like to participate in $PROJECT but have concerns about your #privacy policy. What to do?"

A from speaker: "Please join our Slack to discuss..."


📨 GEO Weekly Newsletter 2/2 

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Anarchist News: **5th Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair**

"5th Annual Halifax Anarchist Bookfair September 3rd (Sept 4th rain date) 10am-6pm Location TBA We are at a breaking point. Thread by thread our global economic system is unraveling before our eyes as we dance on the precipice of all the converging and cascading crises of these turbulent times. From pandemic to war, inflation to crumbling supply chains, ecological breakdown to housing scarcity: we are feeling the crushing weight of capitalism more than ever. The roots of these crises lie within the …"

#anarchism #bot


maybe we shouldn't have put all our decentralised Web behind a couple of giant centralised CDN services

<< A Cloudflare outage, which began about 15 minutes ago, has hit several popular services including Discord, Omegle, DoorDash, Crunchyroll, Feedly, Zerodha,, news outlet Register, Upstox and Social Blade. The internet infrastructure firm said it is investigating the “wide-spread” issue, but it’s unclear what all regions are impacted. >>

💼 We are hiring!
open roles for:
- Web developer
- Full stack developer
- Instance admin
- OnlyOffice engineer

[pls boost]

First thing to do after installing Ubuntu (Ubuntustudio, actually) on my laptop: disable the snap install of Firefox. Ugh.

#frightfulfive #uspol #duopoly 

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we talk with both long-time anarchist organizer Suzy Subways and historian Spencer Beswick about how anarchists in the 1990s organized in the face of a deadly far-Right attack on abortion access across the so-called United States.

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