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Trump fires Black joint chiefs chair Hegseth accused of promoting diversity - which also what you would do to make sure the army doesn't contest your coup....

Texas #measles outbreak reaches 90 cases; 9 cases in New Mexico - " The Texas cases are largely in children. Sixteen cases have been hospitalized." #antivaxxers

DOGE Exposes Once-Secret Government Networks, Making Cyber-Espionage Easier than Ever - "an unprecedented number of critical government systems, including those at the nation’s nuclear research labs, have been exposed to the open internet" this is serious

If you didn't already know that anyone who works at least 1 hour per week, and makes at least $20, is counted as "employed" for purposes of headline unemployment statistics, you probably shouldn't be opining in public about the state of the economy.

I've now been unemployed for 10 months with almost no interest from employers. I have 30 years of IT experience:

UNIX Hardware Engineer for DEC
Linux Support
UNIX Support for 100+ Statisticians
IT Security (InfoSec, back in the day)
WordPress Plugin Support
Building websites with WordPress

If you know of anyone or any companies hiring, I would love to know. Thanks!!!

Being unemployed really does suck.

In conclusion, my state (North Carolina) hasn't been a real democracy for years. We still have the best women's healthcare access & among the top education in the South, because we just can't seem to stop giving 'em hell.

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"We're speedrunning a climate disasters because these companies are shoving these tools in our face that nobody wants." ~Angela Collier

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of the worst people you've ever seen.

Obligatory doom on a M5Stack Cardputer. I am amazed how much stuff is already available for this little thing. #opensource #community #m5stack #cardputer #esp32

#Qt6 is in. I should probably upgrade.
But #QtQuick Controls 1 is gone. 2.x sucks: it doesn't pick up my theme, the widgets work different and the differences feel like the #desktop side was an afterthought.

What should I upgrade to? Is #Kirigami providing honest desktop widgets?

#AskFedi #kde

Substack Subscription Poll

Read @micahflee Micah Lee's great piece on why authors should switch from "brologarch garbage" Substack to Ghost: and got to wondering if authors really understand how being on Substack hurts their subscriptions.

If you see a newsletter that you would like to subscribe to, BUT it is on "brologarch garbage" Substack do you:

Chris Kluwe, a former Minnesota Vikings NFL player, was arrested yesterday for protesting against Huntington Beach City Council's decision to allow the California city's library to display a plaque spelling out the word "MAGA." Kluwe spoke at a public meeting, describing MAGA ideology as "profoundly corrupt, unmistakably anti-democracy and most importantly...explicitly a Nazi movement." After taking a few steps toward the council dais he was arrested, carried from the room and taken to city jail where he was given a misdemeanor citation for disturbing an assembly. Here's NBC's story about the episode. Kluwe later told @LATimes: "I have the responsibility to step up and do something ... That's what I also hope to see from other people who enjoy that position of privilege and power ... that they take this example and say, 'You know what? I can do that too. I can help protect the oppressed.' Because it shouldn't be on the people who are being oppressed to fight by themselves." — LATimes story, may be paywalled

#Football #NFL #ChrisKluwe #Protest #TrumpAdministration #MAGA #California #HuntingtonBeach

Microsoft is paywalling features in NOTEPAD. Let me say that again so it sinks in. Microsoft is _paywalling_ features in _NOTEPAD_.

My god this is so stupid.

What a fascinatingly weird, specialized tool (h/t to @ColleenDoran for the pointer):

It provides you with a “skull" that you can rotate to a desired position, and then you can search for reference photos of animals facing that way.

I'm no artist, so don't have any use for it personally, but for folks composing #art that includes animals that look more realistic than medieval paintings, it looks pretty helpful…

USPol Response 

The deadline to comment is March 17th, 2025, so there's time to gather your thoughts.  This is a situation where a carefully thought out and researched statement will be weighted more heavily than a general one dashed off quickly.
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U.S. political action item: public comment on anti-trans passport policies 

USPol Response 

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