Huh, imagine, gov't IT systems vastly over priced: and imagine - the soluion: "buy more off-the-shelf". 🤦 How about pay local providers to build #libre / #FOSS solutions that can be used across gov'ts around the world! We're not competing with other gov'ts! What if they did the same & most of our gov't IT systems came from other countries' libre efforts, supported by our *local* industry, not Trump's BigTech puppetmasters (or minions, depending on your POV).

@lightweight A huge part of the problem is that most these agencies do not have enough in house IT expertise to even know what they are acking for or if it is fit to purpose,. So they go with the old adage "no one ever got fired for buying IBM (or MicroSoft, etc)". Still end up with a shitting unworkable system that costs way more in many ways


@ByronCinNZ @lightweight "acking" seems like an appropriate mistype (if it was).

Big Tech: I think you should deploy XYZ.
IT Dept: ACK


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