Displaying events in February:

for event in months[2]:


Not right!

Aren't you PEEVED that months start at 1? And how is OCTOber month number 10 rather than OCTO=8?

Let's stop this nonsense.

Introducing month 0, the Nuly (null-ay).
It replaces February.

All the following months get 2 off from their numbers, and January closes the year with number 11.

Join the revolution!

-dcz, Nuly the 4th, 2025 (2025-00-04)

#calendar #nuly

@dcz How about we just let arrays start at one instead of zero and abstract away from the hardware?

@lwriemen That would make sense if 1 was the first ordinal number, but that spot is already occupied by 0 :)


@dcz If you use the name, "Winterfilleth", you can throw the Roman October obsolete numerical alignment away.

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