Windows 11 has this annoying widget in its task bar that I keep around because it shows the weather. If you hover over it, it shows clickbait news items that open MS Edge and urge you to make Edge your default browser.
Today's clickbait article list was 90% variations of "12 signs that your spouse doesn't love you any more," 9% variations of "24 ways to detect that your relationship is dead," one article with 14 clues that you might be a sociopath, and finally this:
Microsoft knows I'm turning 53 in two weeks and is really committed to getting a little payback for all the comics. :-D
@lwriemen Not only do I use windows, but after having a job that has standardized on the Google Office Suit I fucking miss Microsoft Word. I don't feel great about it, but I'm there.
I mean, I use Linux when I do _my_ stuff, but my stuff doesn't generate income, so...
@ubersoft I've always considered Microsoft Word to be the worst documentation tool I've used. On OS/2, I was using Relish, but on Linux (and Windows at work) I use LyX. Love the What You See Is What You Meant paradigm, and without LyX, I'll just use LaTeX.