@ice this sounds like a really nice way to take notes! I might have to try it too
@ice what method are you using to record all of it? Paper/computer/etc.?
@louispearson Computer, mostly https://obsidian.md synced to my personal NextCloud server. Depending on the device I’m using I sometimes edit notes directly in NextCloud, or I use iA Writer on iOS. But Obsidian is much better for handling links (and free.) Zettlr is also quite good, and some TiddlyWiki versions like TiddlyRoam or Stroll are worth a try.
@ice oh cool, I'll check those out
@louispearson What makes all the difference for me is to write down why I link a note to another. At first it feels strange, but over time you everything becomes more meaningful and logical, even ideas that seem totally unrelated.