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@artemist well, its super niche, but you could get into the modern retrogaming scene. Perhaps take a look at the , the , or the .Those machines definitely have unique aspects to them and the communities are really great.

leimon boosted

@knightsofbytes I don't have a functioning NES anymore, but I do have have a new and functioning . I don't know if you've ever considered porting the game to that platform, but I for one would totally grab a copy.

Thanks and congrats on the milestone!

leimon boosted

I gave the latest updates for the FujiNet project as part of the FujiNet State of the Union 2024 talk at VCF SouthWest.

This is an update to the talks that I gave at VCF SoCal, and VCF East, and shows the insane development pace of the project.

Highlights include talking about the generic bus interface under development, fujinet-lib, and more.

Bring-ups mentioned, Apple2, Mac 68K, TRS-80 Color Computer, Atari 2600, and more!

@fozztexx I'm not sure if it aged well and it was 90's not 80's, but as a kid I was quite font of this computer themed cartoon called 'Reboot'.

Maybe that might be worth looking at depending on what you need it for.

@mntmn Perhaps you could take a look at the keyboard configurator: and then you can take an even closer look: . I think that would be a great place to start.

@mntmn perhaps "Hold both to turn on." For the second line. Otherwise, I'd be pushing on the LCD screen instead. Unless that's what you mean.

@martijnbraam Anyhow, I will echo the sentiment that other people shared in that if you are feeling burnt out, please take a break. We don't want developers to feel burnt out like that. That being said, I just wanted to clarify things a bit because I can certainly see how the community may look ungreatful or unsupportive based on those poll results. However, like I said, I think people responded that way specefically because they don't want you to feel burnt out.


@martijnbraam Now I've been following your work on megapixels for quite some time now, probably over a year or so. I know that I've read about some of the stuggles you had, but even as informed as I am, I couldn't remember off the top of my head that these two options were diametrically opposed. So I suspect the poll result you got was more a reflection of people biasing their response based on what would be supportive of you (needing a break).


@martijnbraam Allow me to provide an analogous example: Imagine you posted that you didn't really feel like eating pizza anymore. Then immediately followed up your post with a poll that said "dinner tonight: [option 1] pizza, [option 2] not pizza". People aren't going to want you to eat what you are getting tired of eating, they are going to say, hey pick the other option (which they arguably did).


@martijnbraam Hey, I don't know if this will be helpful, but I feel like there is a bit of miscommunication going on here. I think that the mastodon community is just trying to be supportive and appreciative of developers (i.e., you), but that it is being conflated as them not caring about your project.


leimon boosted

Time for a new #retrocomputing #blog #post !


You definitely heard of remakes of C64 and the Spectrum Next, but have you heard of Zeal and <clickbait skills="low">the 8 others?</clickbait>

Enjoy! :pixelheart: :c64:

@Protovision Super cool! I tested out the demo of this game some time back and it has got to be one of the best ever made for the C64.

leimon boosted

The dozens of posts and private messages that have come in since I posted my video ( about serial gifter
@gwssrox have been heartbreaking to hear. 🧵

(Please boost this thread to spread awareness?)

@mntmn I think that there is still demand for platforms w/o blobs, however that aspect is one of many that factors in with the price/performance ratio of a product. Currently these platforms are a bit of a hard sell as they generally cost far more and have less performance.

For me, things not having blobs mattered because it was analogous to being well supported in Linux for extended periods. If I can get extended product support even w/blobs then this is okay at least for me.

@dominikasafko I love the colors you used here! Something about this palette just makes me feel optimistic about the future...

@darkcorners3 Hey this a longshot but, have you ever seen an old black and white horror film about a skeleton that started to regrow its flesh after having water dumped on it.

I saw part of that move probably 20 years ago but never got to see the end of it and never caught its name. I've always wanted to see it in its entirety but never stumbled across it again. If you happen to have an idea of what it was, I would love to know the name of it. Thanks in advance!

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