@leimon @JF @PINE64 Looks like the QuartzPro64 they talked about a couple of years back https://pine64.org/2022/03/15/march-update-introducing-the-quartzpro64/#quartzpro64
@Baggypants @leimon @PINE64 Yes, that's right that's the Quartzpro64, based on the rk3588. It was made available to developers only to help with software support in Linux for this CPU.
@leimon @JF @PINE64 iirc that was the rk3588 board sourced to developers - Quartz64 Pro: https://pine64.org/2022/03/15/march-update-introducing-the-quartzpro64/
It's the board closest to the lower edge of the photo that I'm not familiar with