@FanCityKnits I think that could work well, especially if the bands repeat at relatively similar distances.
There is a project/technique in Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom called "Palindrome Skeins" where the skein is looped so that the color repeats show up in bands together. Then it is all warped according to those bands.
@FanCityKnits Yes that is exactly the technique!
@FanCityKnits The one thing to consider when weaving thin yarn like that on a rigid heddle (or really any loom) is to ensure you have a fine enough reed (heddle in your case), likely 12 dent or smaller, do the ruler test with the yarn to see what you need. Otherwise with a larger reed you risk having a weft-faced fabric, and I suspect you want to highlight the warp. Using a finer weft will help with that.
Good point - I've woven sock yarn with 10 EPI and it's rather open tabby, but certainly not, what I think I'd need here. I have two 10 dent heddles so I probably could create a closer set by combining them - or I could buy a 12.5 or 15 dent heddle (Ashford Sample-it).
I wanted to use the RHL because I can take that one on my next vacation, the table loom will not fit into the car.
More things to wrap my mind around.
@kyle oh, I'll have to look up that.