All Surveillance Self-Defense content is regularly reviewed and is CC-BY licensed so awesome folks like @l10nlab can translate and localize it for their unique needs
If technology is used against you in court, you have a right to see how the technology works and whether it's reliable. That's why EFF is going to court in Fresno, California later this week.
The Seventh Circuit could have checked government overreach in conducting invasive electronic device searches at the border. They failed.
Very nice word to refer to Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, IBM and Apple
From @todd at #LibrePlanet presentation on " The future of computing and why you should care"
Nitrokey and Nextcloud collaborate on securing private clouds #nextcloud #security #partner #blog #news
Nitrokey and Nextcloud collaborate on securing private clouds #nextcloud #security #partner #blog #news
We believe in Freedom of Speech. That's why we support journalists around the world with Secure Connect - an open source encrypted contact form to securely communicate with whistleblowers. ✊😃
The pressure against #AdTech is mounting.
Today, #GDPR complaints were filed in 4 more countries against Real Time Bidding (RTB) in online advertising
🇪🇸 @gemmagaldon @EticasFdn
🇳🇱 @bitsoffreedom, David Korteweg
🇧🇪 @Jausl00s @PiDewitte
🇱🇺 Jose Bello
Our next C++ workshop is coming up on 23 May, and covers binary search trees. Learn all about them with the help of experienced LibreOffice devs!
UPDATE here's how to minimise targeted ads on 4 more companies ⬇⬇
#whatsapp (is owned by Facebook)
who next? tell us!
it's worth thinking about the design of the WhatsApp exploit - did NSO get inspiration from the January FaceTime bug? Be sure to update or (better) switch to Signal, Wire, @matrix, Jitsi Meet, or Jami/GNU Ring.
You should be able to control which permissions your apps get. It’s time for Android to #FixItAlready
Dozens of cities all over Europe have decided that putting the data of their citizens in foreign 'clouds' is not good stewardship and are moving to #nextcloud. What about your municipality?
RT @sdutIdeas: Should cities like San Diego join San Francisco in banning facial recognition technology? We talked to @eff's @maassive abou…
The Seventh Circuit had a powerful opportunity to protect travelers' privacy rights. They missed it.
San Francisco: Use of face recognition technology by law enforcement chills free speech, exacerbates biased policing, and threatens to fundamentally change how we exist in public spaces. Take action now. Support the Stop Secret Surveillance Ordinance.
"With all of these privacy problems showing up with the biggest social networks and technology companies around, some companies are working on giving users back control over their data and communications."
FCC Commissioner @GeoffreyStarks is 100% correct in speaking out about the vulnerability in our cell phone networks.
As EFF's @cooperq wrote in @nytimes, we must fix the security vulnerabilities in SS7 and end 2G support to help secure our communications.
Gathering requirements and such.