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Due to the ongoing Xbox court case in the US, Microsoft has had to disclose that it is rebuilding home Windows OS to be a cloud streaming subscription service

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✨ Import from Instagram issues have been fixed in the latest commits!

If you have an import that has been stuck on "Processing", it will be properly processed once your instance admin updates to the latest commits! has now processed all imports, you may have to wait until your admin updates for your import to finish processing.

keverets boosted

"Don't like posts, boost them."

"Don't block people, it's antisocial."

Babies, use this service however you like and in ways that bring you and your friends the most joy and the best sense of safety. Hammer the like button if you want. Block whoever you feel like, for whatever reason you want.

You don't owe anybody else engagement in the form they might prefer - or at all.

keverets boosted


"Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die."

from by @pluralistic

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Reddit got a lot right in the past, but when a platform turns its back on the community that supports it, it doesn’t end well.

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Just finished my #instagram to #pixelfed migration; the implementation is so smooth, excellent implementation by @dansup - very well done!

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Social media’s job is to show you posts from the people you follow, but social media’s business model is to charge news companies to reach their subscribers. That’s a bad deal for everyone (except the platforms’ owners!)

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> In their damning report of education technology Human Rights Watch found that 89% of the 150 products they examined “monitored or could monitor children, in most cases secretly and without the consent of children or their parents”. With CryptPad students can learn without being surveilled and tracked.
#Cryptpad #SoftwareForEducation #HumanRightsWatch #OnlineCollaboration #共同文章作成

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Me: I won't discuss business in a room with an Alexa, because Amazon is my business competitor and they eavesdrop.

Various other folks: :flan_eyeroll:

Today: Amazon to pay fine for eavesdropping.

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launching next week: the new MNT Reform Keyboard V3 (also as drop-in module for the MNT Reform laptop)!

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If we priced externalities into the cost of fossil fuels, it’s not a profitable business.

The cleanup costs in California will be triple the industry’s projected profits, and that doesn’t even include cleaning up CO₂ and CH₄ from the atmosphere.

The beepberry looks very interesting. A blackberry keyboard on a device powered by a raspberry pi zero, and all quite inexpensive.

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Time to ask questions, boys!

What communications tools/chat protocols do you use in 2023 for PERSONAL communications? Only select those you have used in the past week or two. If you only write via Facebook to your grandma once a year, don't select it.

Also, I don't care if your workplace uses Slack or MS Teams. Only choose the options you use for personal stuff.

Please, repost for greater reach.
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It's my belief that if an electronic device needs replacing within four years—for any reason—it was defective from the beginning.

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Kudows to @Fairphone for the new Fairbuds XL 🎶

A new proof that with some willpower, we can make a more sustainable world! 🌳🌍

And since they are cool and compatible with all Murena phones with /e/OS, we have decided to make them available at

#sustainability #privacy #mydataisMYdata

@murena @e_mydata

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Quick survey ☑️:
=> Which version of @gajim are you using?

The latest one? 🚀
Are you stuck on an older version and can't upgrade? 🔧
Don't want to upgrade? ❓
Tell us! 📢 :xmpp:

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The Parable of the Killer of Hundreds vs. the Killer of None

The Killer of Hundreds and the Killer of None met to resolve their differences.

The Killer of Hundreds said, "I offer a compromise, we shall only kill fifty."

The Killer of None replied, "I offer only that we shall kill none."

The onlookers cried out in shock and surprise! What sort of compromise was this?

The Killer of Hundreds smiled coldly and said, "You should be more reasonable. Clearly I have compromised, and you have not. If you will not deal with me reasonably, how are we ever to proceed?"

The Killer of None replied, "You offer little compromise, killer of hundreds. For you, to compromise on the number of people killed sacrifices none of your position. For you, it is only a matter of scale.

"However," The Killer of None continued, "For me to concede to even one of these murders would be to compromise all of my position. Once I cross that line, what argument can I ever possess for one against fifty or hundreds?

"In truth," the Killer of None explained, to the listening ears of all present, "You are compromising nothing, while asking me to compromise everything.

"For some things there can never be any compromise."

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