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RT @BrennanSpiegel
This graph is amazing. It shows that measuring #SARSCoV2 levels in municipal sewage almost perfectly predicts forthcoming #COVID19 cases with a full week's notice (R=0.994). It's one of several discoveries in this new study from @Yale: C-19 is #InThePoop

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No one, least of all the President of the U.S., should use specious copyright or trademark claims to silence a critic. And platforms shouldn’t play along when they get a claim like this. Redbubble should stand up for its users and restore this political cartoon immediately.

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Brilliant project that tidies up public domain ebooks.

Gutenberg and Internet Archive are wonderful resources, but the texts are poorly formatted for actual use, especially on ereaders.

This is a volunteer driven initiative to bring these texts up to date with modern standards and make them look as good as possible on the page.

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We have started to ship the first batches of /e/-Fairphone.
It seems there quite some demand for this unique product!
We are renewing the stock continuously.

#degoogled #android #privacy #opensource #sustainabledevelopment


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It's here...! The latest release of Snikket supports voice and video calling out of the box! ☎📽

If you're upgrading the server from a previous release, check out the upgrade notes:

Setting up a new server? Check out the quick start guide:

The latest app update is already in Google Play. F-Droid users keep a look out for it arriving soon!

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How many more cloud-connected devices have to turn into bricks before people realize they don't own the hardware, they only rent it?

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#2302 "2020 Google Trends" 

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YouTube: we can't pay until your channel earns at least $100.
Amazon Video: We've just transferred 1 cent to your bank account.

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Huge updates this week in This Week in Matrix! Dendrite supports v5 rooms! Rust homeserver progress! SEVEN clients with news, including e2ee support in gomuks and a big Pattle update! #twim #matrix #decentralized

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A #PeerTube instance full of conference talks? Don't let me know about it, because I'll be trapped inside and never get out.
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Conversations with audio and video calls has been released. In restricted networks conversations will use dismails server to proxy the encrypted traffic. Please report any issues.

Thank you Daniel, thank you Holger and everyone involved!

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New /e/-smartphone in stock: /e/-Galaxy S8!
Available for purchase now, in two colors.
Certified without #COVIDー19 contact tracing software.

#android #privacy #mydataisMYdata

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Announcing airbreak, a toolkit to jailbreak inexpensive CPAP machines to turn them into emergency #COVID19 ventilators by unlocking all operational modes and allowing custom software extensions.

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Signal is likely getting burned by their centralized approach exactly as I have predicted for years.

We need -decentralized- e2e encrypted chat servers so there is no central party to strongarm. can be self hosted as a Tor hidden service.


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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml