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As #Signal has had severe problems recently due to its centralised nature, here are some decentralised libre alternatives with Fediverse accounts:

➡️ @snikket_im - Initiative to give XMPP a consistent look and feel on instances and apps, to make it more attractive to new users

➡️ @xmpp - XMPP standards foundation

➡️ @delta - Decentralised messaging through email

➡️ @matrix - Best known for the Element client

➡️ @briar - Peer-to-peer encrypted messaging

➡️ @Jami - Peer-to-peer Skype alternative

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If device manufacturers stop supporting their hardware with software updates, they should be required to release the source code so that people can continue to maintian the working devices.

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Facebook is a rotten company, rotten from the top down, its founder, board and execs are sociopaths and monsters, committers of non-hyperbolic crimes against humanity. They lie, they cheat, they steal. They are some of history's greatest villains.

Because Facebook is a terrible company run by terrible people, it periodically erupts in ghastly scandal. Sometimes whistleblowers or reporters reveal historic crimes, including (but not limited to) deliberately helping to foment genocide.


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Do not buy NFT made with my art.
Do not make NFT with my Creative-Commons artworks.
If you respect my art, remember and apply this.

Here is my article about what just happened:

#NFT #NFTCommunity

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‘Dead white man’s clothes’: The dirty secret behind the world’s fashion addiction

For decades, the West's unwanted fashion has made its way to used-clothing markets in Africa. Now it's fuelling an environmental catastrophe.

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«NEW: Amazon's new AI-powered cameras are penalizing delivery drivers for driving mistakes they didn't make & drivers are losing income.

It's the nightmare scenario that AI experts frequently warn about. I talked to drivers about how AI is punishing them:»

stolen from here:

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Canadians, you have just a few days left to speak out on a horrific proposal that would force online platforms to proactively surveil, police, and remove your speech! File your comment right now with @OpenMediaOrg's email tool:

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european citizens' initiative for universal basic income, :boost_ok: 

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"We are extracting Earth’s geological history to serve a split second of contemporary technological time, building devices like the Amazon Echo and the iPhone that are often designed to last for only a few years"

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I'm kind of annoyed that "self-care" has become conflated with "treat yourself". Yes, sometimes treating yourself can be an act of self care

But most of prioritizing self care is meeting your core needs. It's telling yourself it's ok to take time to eat a healthy meal or take a shower. It's making sure you put the things you need to be healthy at a higher priority

The whole "self care is luxuries" captialist takeover of an important mental health concept just chaps me

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PixelFed has just reached 50k users on 186 instances! 🥳

If you haven't tried it yet, you can find out more from the official site at:

It's a Fediverse alternative to Instagram, and federates with Mastodon etc. so millions of people across the Fediverse can follow PixelFed accounts.

PixelFed has an unofficial Android app called @PixelDroid. It's currently in beta testing, you can get it from F-Droid:

If you don't have F-Droid yet, here are instructions on how to install it:

#FediTips #Fediverse #PixelFed #PixelTips #PixelDroid #Android #Apps #Instagram #Alternatives

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Friend: What’s your new address? I can come pick you up
Me: Thx, but I don’t want my address to end up on #facebook
Friend: What? I’m not giving it to FB. WTH?!
Me: Hum, you’ll probably add it to my contact on your phone. You gave Messenger and Whatsapp access to your contacts. So yeah if I give you my address there’s a good chance it’ll end up in a FB’s database.

Why is it so hard to protect one’s data these days? Is there a way for me to have ppl over without leaking my address?


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Heard a phrase today that was "anything worth doing is worth doing poorly" and yes.

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Six easy and simple rules for good web design 

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