Daniel Wroclawski and I wrote about Ring sharing video footage without a warrant or user consent. https://www.consumerreports.org/law-enforcement/amazon-shared-ring-footage-with-police-without-a-warrant-a6093504500/
There's a Canadian company - Allanson International - making UV lights you can bolt into existing home ductwork for sanitizing your air; not a big deal if your windows are open all summer, but come winter when we're all buttoned up this will be important, IMO.
Inspired by a recent set of toots by @SexyCyborg I picked one up and just finished installing it. Dirt simple, took ten minutes.
@mhoye I read a suggestion in a review to wire it into the furnace EAC (electronic air cleaner contacts), so that it's powered only when the furnace fan is running. Did you consider doing that, or are you planning to keep it powered on all of the time? I'm curious about the impact on bulb life
I really think #OpenStreetMaps can learn a few tricks from #GoogleMaps, and how they "nudge" contributors, especially the occasional contributor, who are very likely motivated very differently from the typical "active contributor."
It's an optional notification that you can unsubscribe from.
@vimja @dancefighter69 if there are any iOS users in the mix, then Snikket is about the best you can get as it's one of the few that can handle notifications properly on that system. They also offer hosting for the service side.
You know that thing where people make fun of a terrible opinion by writing it in a mixture of upper and lower case? It's probably not a good idea.
Screenreader software used by blind or partially-sighted people interprets capital letters as the beginning of a word.
This means that a phrase written as "FiNe PEopLe oN BoTh siDeS" will sound like gibberish.
If accessibility matters to you, try to avoid doing this.
The case for leaving the perfectly manicured lawn behind:
"Already, 5,000 Londoners are on to it: borrowing anything from sound systems to sewing machines from a catalogue of around 50 items. They are the pioneers of the Library of Things (LoT) model, which helps people to save money and reduce waste by affordably renting out household items. They’ve collectively saved around 50 tonnes of waste from landfill since it all began."
Stolen from bird site screenshot w/o description:
"The #COVID lockdown has demonstrated 3 things:
* Our economy collapses as soon as it stops selling useless stuff to over-indebted people
* It is perfectly possible to reduce pollution
* The lowest paid people in the country are essential to its functioning"
I enjoyed this article: Is Google Dying? Or did the Web grow up? https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/06/google-search-algorithm-internet/661325/
@mntmn finally upgrade from my 7" eeepc
#StreetComplete's new alpha now has support for a #layers, i.e. map #overlay's that enable only specific quests in a very convenient way!
Read more also about the history of that feature in #westnordost's blog:
Feel free to test it out and report bugs!
Do you authenticate to various websites with your Github, Google or Facebook account? Be careful, if you get blocked by these companies, there's virtually no recourse and you might have a serious problem!