I'm looking for a reliable (preferably European) alternative to #Gmail. 📨📬

Uuuugh I've been putting it off for YEARS, because it's such a hassle 😩, but with #Google happily changing the Gulf of Mexico's name and now #GoogleCalendar removing cultural observances such as Black History Month, Women's History Month and Holocaust Remembrance day... I finally need to move my email from Gmail to a more ethical alternative.

Recommendations anyone? No selfhosting please. 😊



Protonmail is based in Switzerland, has VPN, Proton Drive, Calendar etc. Really nice Web UI, Mobile and Desktop apps (YMMV depending on OS)

Also used to have a Tuta email account (barely used it) that I cannot access anymore since they fucked up some migration and according to Reddit they ignore support tickets 😅

@graves501 It's currently between Protonmail and Tuta, will do a deepdive tonight!


@Gina how did the evaluation go? Did you make a choice?


@keverets @graves501 it's going to be Protonmail, but I'd have to make time for it sometime soon

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