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Kevin C. boosted

Indeed: from a great article about Wikipedia at 20:

"Wikipedia shouldn’t really work, but it does. It shouldn’t be able to survive in a hyper-capitalist commercial world, but people keep donating to it. Its model is unique and bizarre – a relic of a more open, idealistic 1990s techno utopianism, but it may still outlast even the biggest corporate tech giants."

Kevin C. boosted

"Why I still use RSS...I firmly believe the Internet, and what it stood for, peaked with RSS....Having only the content I want to see only be shown when I want to see it with the freedom to jump between readers as I please, all with no ads? For me, no other service comes close to the flexibility, robustness, and overall ease-of-use that RSS offers."

Kevin C. boosted

“Why the Indieweb? …This is the story of the birth of the web, its loss of innocence, its decline, and what we can do to make it a bit less gross.” -

Kevin C. boosted

Looking to migrate away from Google but still looking for free/affordable replacements without the hassle of hosting them yourself?

There are many choices, take your pick:)

Feel free to add to this list if I've missed any good ones:)


#framasoft #disroot #nextcloud #email #foss #trom #gafam #fuckgoogle

Kevin C. boosted
Kevin C. boosted
@lionirdeadman I concur, and use Migadu too.

Regarding PGP, sharing keys is pretty seamless once you set it up. WKD makes sharing keys from your own site/email domain really easy, without relying on any keyserver; since my email is, PGP programs like GnuPG simply download my public key from When I open a signed/encrypted email for the first time in my mail client (Neomutt), GnuPG automatically fetches keys via WKD, DNS, DANE, and a list of keyservers so I hardly have to lift a finger.

It also helps to expose a public key with IndieWeb microformats2 for better discoverability.
Kevin C. boosted

uspol, actually decent news feed 

Kevin C. boosted

Stop using "Zoom" as a general term for video conferencing.
Stop using "Google" as a general term for searching the web.

Kevin C. boosted

2386. Ten Years 

Kevin C. boosted

What is this Gemini thing anyway, and why am I excited about it?


Kevin C. boosted
Kevin C. boosted

If you love the Free Libre web-comic Pepper & Carott, know that @davidrevoy has just added hardcover and soft cover comic books in his shop ! (already 426 books sold ans counting !)
It's a great way to support an indie Free Libre artist while gift shopping ;).

Kevin C. boosted

This stuff never ceases to amaze me - Haruki Nakamara's mechanical paper animals:

Kevin C. boosted

Glow 1.0 is out, and it's a big update to your beloved console markdown reader!

👀 Find all markdown in a project
🌈 Integrated high-performance pager
🐿 Stash your docs in Mr. Charm Cloud to read anywhere
🗝 Stashed stuff is private and encrypted

Get it:

Watch the little trailer, it's... ❤️❤️❤️

Kevin C. boosted

I love this lidar scan of an archive room at the Centro de Henri Lenaerts in Navarra, Spain (an arts organization).

But it makes me heartsick for visiting archives in person :(

Kevin C. boosted

yesss thanks to this article from @aaronpk I managed to set up a little server that lets me put any service I want behind Mastodon's OAuth so that only people with a login can see it. It works for web apps that don't know what OAuth is -- you are just kind of "gating" them so that any request to any URL for the app must be authorized first. A little like .htpasswd but for OAuth.

I'll write this up in detail later but Aaron's post has everything you need.

Kevin C. boosted

Your experience of a place on the internet will be vastly improved if you unfollow and/or mute the most negative people who keep crossing your feed, and spend less time talking about all the things you hate.

Yes, any place. It feels nice. Try it.

Kevin C. boosted

Our quick scan on ethical digital tools:

In English and soon in Spanish

from a social design perspective

Thanks @aral for the inspiration!

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