@ph Welcome!
@amolith That's a nifty feature!
@amolith I don't see the vertical pipe (|) character anywhere. On my QWERTY keyboard, that's the shift key for the right-most character (the \ key that you mapped elsewhere).
Is that a character that you would need enough to make easily accessible on that layer?
If you’re trying to update VSCodium and getting a 429 Too Many Requests error from https://gitlab.com/paulcarroty/vscodium-deb-rpm-repo/raw/repos/debs/dists/vscodium/InRelease, here’s the workaround:
@mdewald I only *use* Mastodon, but I still maintain a Twitter account (to easily follow school related accoutns) and a Facebook one (so I can in theory know if people tag me in a photo).
vagrant-libvirt and Bridged Networking
Once I had a way to install virtual machines on my Ubuntu home lab server, my next goal was to be able to directly SSH into them from my laptop. By default, the Vagrant-installed libvirt virtual machines all connect to a virtual subnet. In order to be able to connect from other computers in my home, I needed to set up Bridged Networking. . . .
Trying out ArchLinux using libvirt and Vagrant
I have been curious about the ArchLinux distribution for some time. I have a Ubuntu 20.04 server running in headless mode in my home lab, with KVM + libvirt already set up, so I decided to set up a virtual machine to give Arch a try. . . .
Blog Post: Nest Micropub - First Steps
Now and then I feel like it would be convenient to be able to post quick notes, or to quickly save bookmarks, here on my blog. The obvious IndieWeb solution would be to add Micropub support. Since I have a desire to learn more about the NestJS framework for creating NodeJS servers, it seems like creating a Micropub server using NestJS will be a nice personal project. . . .
New Video Out!
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ALHUdkh-hr8
PeerTube: https://peertube.co.uk/videos/watch/bb1c892f-a19d-43a6-a1e3-9a3bab69451a
LBRY Link Coming Soon ^ ^
thanks to
@ChrisWere and @Main_Tomato for showing me this awesome browser
"The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free"
I wrote a short script that downloads YouTube videos from channels I like so I can watch them wherever I want, whenever I want, and with whatever media player I want.
Addendum added : With the default example Gitea configuration, I found that I was still getting Unauthorized errors. I had to watch the network calls to get access to the full error message. The problem was that even though I was authenticated, I was not actually authorized. I had to chose to either enable the allowAllUsers setting, or I needed to add specific users to the whitelist. (Details posted at https://kevin.thecorams.net/posts/2020/07/nginx-oauth-addendum/ )
New blog post after a long hiatus:
Adding OAuth Authentication to an Nginx Website
@amolith Honestly, unless someone has been working for like 20+ years, the resume should still only be one page. Potential interviewers don't have the kind of time needed to wade through pages and pages.
A nice one-page "resume" summary with an optional more-complete CV attachment could also be acceptable.
Brought to you by someone whose been having to interview programmers for years . . . .
The code I’m still ashamed of
Required reading
Day 72 of the #100DaysToOffload Series:
I've been living at work for the last four months, and I need that to stop.