I’m enjoying reading the #introductions from this wave of #twitterMigration, so here’s mine. I’m an #openSource Evangelist for #Intel and a nerdy podcaster on @reality2cast and FLOSS Weekly on @twitnews. I am also a Linux Journal alum and a huge fan of #Drupal, the open web, user and privacy-respecting hardware and software, antique ceramics, and really good food and wine. Currently debating going back to roller derby for fitness and stress relief. 😂
@derickflorian @twitnews @katherined Yes, please! 😃
@twitnews @katherined @reality2cast I will have to checkout your podcast! Welcome, I just came over from Twitter last night.
I know nothing about web development but would like to learn some day. I am starting to learn embedded development and know Python the best. I am just starting to use C.