RT @MarcoInEnglish@twitter.com
Now that Mozilla's IRC replacement is officially announced, it is time to tell you where you can find the #a11y team on the Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#Accessibility:mozilla.org. We're all hanging out there and discuss all engineering in the open again. \o/ Come join us! https://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/1230620436720955392
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarcoInEnglish/status/1230830539617325056
What always puzzles me when I have to work with #Windows is the freeware culture. I had to try 4 apps from the store to finally extract a rar file.
On #Linux I just install unrar package and then use the default archive manager. No ads, no user data collection, no "the file is too large for free version".
@fribbledom Hmm I think I prefer "hottentottententoonstellingsterreintje" ;)
📣 Programming Language World Championships 2020 #plwc2020 📣
A knockout tournament where 32 programming languages compete against each other, and you decide the winner of each round by voting.
There will be two matches per day, and in two weeks time we'll have a winner!
Discussions are encouraged, but please, keep it civil and peaceful. It's just a fun game.
Just a little vent... Why is that so many left/socialist "things" (groups, media, podcasts etc) insist that the way to engage with them is "through our facebook group"? Not something here on the fediverse, not an RSS feed, not an email address... No, we need to engage through one of the worst examples of the capitalist world when all we want to do is to smash it. </vent>
The PinePhone starts shipping—a Linux-powered smartphone for $150 http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/01/the-pinephone-starts-shipping-a-linux-powered-smartphone-for-150/?utm_brand=arstechnica&utm_source=twitter&utm_social-type=owned&utm_medium=social by @RonAmadeo
Hi! I'm a Mathematical and Computer Sciences student and a passionate GNU+Linux technophile! I follow news on GNU+Linux, gaming, science and tech; I love to make music, too!
I'm also a nerd and like to play things like Dungeons and Dragons, tinkering with things is always fun and it helps satisfy my curiosity!