
What does it mean if I have a Sailor Pro Gear 21k with just "M" on the nib, vs one (Realo 1911) that has "H-M"? I thought all of Sailor's Ms these days were H-Ms..? The M was bought within the last 5 years; the H-M I have no way of knowing but the other nib markings look contemporary.

@johns H-M and M are the same. They took the H- off when they changed the Sailor logo a few years ago.

@paradoxmo Okay, that's what I thought, I'm understanding now that the pen that I thought had the updated nib markings actually has the older ones, which is surprising to me based on when I purchased it.

@johns Realos don’t sell as quickly, so it’s entirely possible the store had it in stock for a long time before selling you yours.

@paradoxmo Well, other way, the Realo has the H-M, the Pro Gear has the M. And the nibs feel very different. I'm wondering if the H-M has been ground/modified, and also wondering if the M is a fake (but I like it better..)! I haven't yet tested with identical ink.

@johns fakes are unlikely. There is some variation on how the nibs feel. If one has black plating as opposed to rhodium, that also changes the feel.

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