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Today, after nearly half a year of development, we have landed the ability to select Wi-Fi networks from the top-panel.

The best part about this feature is, now that we have decided over the structure, we can implement the same feature for Bluetooth, VPNs, etc. easily.

A big thanks to @agx for his feedback, patches and review throughout the process!

#phosh #librem5 #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux

Nearly every civilization in human history has tried to use spiritual rituals to alter the weather: rain dances, sacrificing virgins, etc. Today we call it “climate change policy,” but the religious character of it isn’t so different.

I'm fine with holding Big Tech accountable for the effect they're having on kids but I really want parents to explain why they are giving their kids smart phones with Internet access in the first place. It's the ultimate parenting unforced error.

I am looking for a technical writer with a strong Intel/networking background and the ability to take the deep technical content my group creates and convert it into multiple more accessible pieces. For example, the VexTrio paper we released this week. Our work is designed for experts in the security industry. The person I'm looking for can use it to create writings for consumers and customers. If that's you, text me here or on LinkedIn. #threatintel #infosec #cybersecurity

Appreciate boosts for reach.

Yessss. Count me in.

AND... as a few others here have suggested... if a company cuts ties with female athletes (in any sport) simply bc they choose to stand up for what's right...

Think Bud Light.

We can do this!

LINUX community, we are looking at the problem of Flatpak'ing applications that require a system daemon to run or a new udev rule to be installed. I hope anyone reading this can reply with examples of this they know of so that we can understand the corner cases. #linux #fedora

Imagine Joe Biden was winning a clear +300 electoral college vote victory on election night 2020.

All swing states were tight, but breaking for Biden. Data trending wrong way for Trump.

Then, suddenly the counting STOPS.

Magically, untraceable Trump votes “appear” overnight in ALL 5 swing counties where they are desperately needed to turn the tide for Trump.

Over the next few days every state Biden was winning on election night flipped to Trump by the thinnest of margins and as SOON as it did the media declared it WON by Trump.

Anyone who questioned this process was immediately BANNED from social media and — eventually, targeted by our own government for prosecution.

Immediately, the Trump administration began centrally organizing the criminal prosecution of Joe Biden and his family in dark red districts across America using taxpayer dollars and authorizing federal raids on Joe Biden’s home.

Do you think Libs would be content with this result?

This is why so many in America are waking up right now.

We know.

We all know…

Until we are willing to defy a Supreme Court opinion that clearly violates the literal and intended schema of the Constitution, we will not return to being a constitutional republic. Texas should set that precedent by defying SCOTUS and defending its people from invasion.

Hello 🌏 ! This is #phosh's mastodon account. It'll have phosh's release announcements and posts/boosts of related projects. Looking forward to an interesting and bright Linux mobile future 📱 .

I just noticed that I am using the #Purism #Librem5 now for 7 months now as my main device and since 6 months I don't carry a backup device with me anymore even for business trips I only used the Librem 5.


Wordle 944 4/6

It is a sad day. The New York Times now requires an account to see your stats. I enjoyed the game, but not enough to create an account.

People can be as upset about this as they want, but so long as they continue to watch #YouTube they continue tacitly supporting their user-hostile actions. If you really want to make a difference, stop watching, and tell content creators why. When you can convince them to move to platforms that don't shove ads down your throat every 3 minutes, THAT is when you'll see #Google change their tune.

#tech #technology #enshitification #PeerTube #tilvids

If you avoid speaking up about men invading women’s sports out of fear of your community outcasting you…perhaps it’s time you find a better community.

Here's the finished scarf split roughly into quarters. Two rows equals a day. The year starts on the lower right-hand side of the picture with a small brown stripe representing a family road trip. The scarf ends on the bottom left with a green and red stripe near the end representing Christmas.

This scarf documents holidays, birthdays, trips, awards, unemployment and even death. What a year! We plan to tag each of the stripes so we don't forget what each one represents.

#knitting #HappyNewYear

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One huge problem with the concept of private ownership of things that are not the "means of production" in the socialist/communist mindset is that you could theoretically use lots of things as means of production.

If you own a toothbrush that's ok, but what if that toothbrush can be used as a tool for building something else? Brushes are often used as tools, and the materials making up a toothbrush certainly could be melted down and turned into something else entirely, would that new thing made of your acceptable toothbrush now be evil contraband to be taken by the state or the people?

Same with shoes. Shoes could just be a thing for your feet, but depending on how they're used, they could themselves be a tool, or the leather and rubber used to create a tool, and then does the previously admissible shoe become an evil tool of the capitalist?

In the end, the real means of production is a skilled worker. For them, a shocking number of things can become the means of production, just watch Primitive Technology on YouTube. A bog is just a useless piece of land to most people, but to the skilled Norwegians 600 years ago, it was an important resource and source of iron. Why? Because they knew how to take the useless thing nobody wanted and turn it into the most important resource of the era. Therefore, for the state to seize the means of production means to seize the individual, and that's exactly what we see in practice. A bunch of tools and machines are useless without the minds and hands operating them, and so those minds and hands must be seized and dominated into submission.
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Librem Social

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