@publicvoit THC inhalers don't care if they are used recreationaly or medically.
@publicvoit Healthcare or legalization of recreational drugs?
Ehkä mielummin vaatisin, että ensimmäisenä hätätilatoimena aloitettaisiin polttonesteiden sääntely.
Jos hallitus julistaa #ilmastohätätila, niin tässä pari seuraavaa tavoitetta. #elokapina Oikea ilmastohätätila
Tosissaan ilmastohätätila
Aikuisten oikeasti ilmastohätätila
Mä en todellakaan vitsaile ilmastohätätila
Kohta mä suutun ilmastohätätila
Mä olen ihan tosissani ilmastohätätila
Nyt on pakko ilmastohätätila
Nyt on aivan pakko ilmastohätätila
Nyt on siis todellakin pakko ilmastohätätila
Tuon pitäisi riittää vuoteen 2030.
@paulfree14 "There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Douglas Adams
@vogon It seems to be at least ISO standard. I think the reason is obvious. Good luck getting your proprietary pressurized gas container pass all safety regulation.
@vogon I thought 425g CO2 cylinders were industry standard.
@jwildeboer "Ending this scourge on civilization is one of most important political problems facing the international community these days" Mire important than ending tax havens or climate change?
I haven't heard logistic map mentioned when talking about R value and COVID-19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_map
I haven't heard logistic map mentioned when talking about R value and COVID-19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_map
@Ricardus I hope both England and Denmark fans paint one side of their face white and the other side red. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield
@danny There's Brian Kernighan's "UNIX: A History and a Memoir", which literally has "UNIX" and "memoir" in title. It's also a memoir from one of the people associated with creation of UNIX.
@dave I'm going to start a charity making sure that everybody has access to wire coat hangers.
@publicvoit They forgot "Heat waves killing old people reduce social security commitments".
@clacke I always confuse UCLA with ACLU.