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महामारी पूर्वनियोजित? खरा उद्देश- सक्तीचे लसीकरण, डीपॉप्युलेशन अजेंडा..!

कोविड महामारीला "पेंडेमिक" समजण्या ऐवजी त्याला पूर्वनियोजित "प्लॅनडेम

Are Markets Imperfect? Of Course, That’s The Point!

Markets never conform to the "model" of "perfect competition", because under such state of affairs, markets would be unnecessary and redundant

इस्रायल पॅलेस्टाईन संघर्ष : दोषी कोण ?

ज्यांना कुणाला राष्ट्रा राष्ट्रांमध्ये शांती हवी आहे त्याने राज्यसंस्थेच्या शक्तीला आधी कठोर नियंत्रणात ठेवून त्यांची शक्ती कमी करावी त्याशिवाय जगात शांती नांदू शकणार नाही.

इस्रायल पॅलेस्टाईन संघर्ष : दोषी कोण ?

ज्यांना कुणाला राष्ट्रा राष्ट्रांमध्ये शांती हवी आहे त्याने राज्यसंस्थेच्या शक्तीला आधी कठोर नियंत्रणात ठेवून त्यांची शक्ती कमी करावी त्याशिवाय जगात शां

The Covid Rogues Gallery : Mixed-Message Musk

The board membership of the Gates affiliated Tsinghua University reads like a “who’s who” of U.S. bankers and Silicon Valley leaders. . . including Elon Musk.

Applying Austrian Economics to the Emergence of Bitcoin as Money

Bitcoin was already an economic good and already had exchange ratios before the famous pizza trade and prices in dollars or euros.

Cyberpolygon : The Cyberattack the Davos Crowd is Preparing For

When Davos takes the time to simulate a future risk, the risk regularly has the "misfortune" of coming true.

The Real Reason Wages Rise

You owe it to yourself to know what makes the difference between wealth and poverty for the workers of the world.

Marty Bent : We Are Living In A Mass Psychosis – Escape It Now

It is time to walk away from this madness, from this induced mass psychosis before we lose the chance at having a civil society.

How To End The COVID “Pandemic” In ONE Week

How to end the pandemic and let people do their business safely and free the society within a week.


How To End The COVID “Pandemic” In ONE Week

How to end the pandemic and let people do their business safely and free the society within a week.


Normies : What's the point of this government / Supreme Court when they're actually making things worse?

Indian Libertarians:

If You Really Believe In Protectionism, Give the Suez Canal Blocker A Medal

There's no difference between him and Customs forcefully stopping goods at the border.

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