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What Kind of Person Are You ? Take This Test To Find Out !

How do you feel about yourself? What do you think about your place in the world? These are the most important questions you can ask yourself !

Preventing a woman from having the only tool that can level the playing field with an attacker is about the most anti-woman, anti-feminist, anti progressive thing you can do!

Caption for historical picture: “Nicole" a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with the Automatic Rifle with Which She is Most Proficient.

“Public Health” is not Your Health : It’s the Health of the State

States, by their very nature, are perpetually at war – not always against foreign foes, of course, but always against their own subjects.

Is the AstraZeneca (Covishield) vaccine killing people?

Several young, otherwise healthy people have been killed by the AstraZeneca Covishield vaccine.

Some thoughts on nomenclature moving forward :

Don't ask for or talk about ’Freedom’

Proclaim your right, nay your DUTY, to be responsible for yourself.

Self-responsibility is the other side of freedom. Maybe the word 'responsibility' works better

Maneco64 : Economics Is Not Complicated !

The economics profession has perverted economics to justify actions that would never make sense if applied to any household.

Capitalism is the Most Humane System There Is – Here’s 7 Reasons Why

Demolishing "dog-eat-dog", “survival of the fittest,” “capitalism is a jungle” and other bs.

What Consumes More Energy – Bitcoin or Central Banks ?

According to the US Energy Information Administration, in 2018 it took about 5,000 British thermal units (Btu) to produce a dollar of GDP.

“Sincere” and “Hard-working” Rulers Do The Most Harm

Historical examples from the classic book called 'The Mainspring of Human Progress'.

Understanding the Economics of Fascism

Fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. This economic system has been consistently praised by 'progressives'.

How Come The Germans Supported Hitler ?

For the same reasons that the present-day public is blindly following 'orders' by leaders today.

“Sincere” and “Hard-working” Rulers Do The Most Harm

Historical examples from the classic book called 'The Mainspring of Human Progress'.

But but.. won’t the Robber Barons Take Over ? The Misplaced Fear of Monopolies

Opponents of laissez faire have spooked public opinion with a combination of bad history and worse theory.

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