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@Neeneen @dearthofsid in the condo case you went in with eyes open and knew that the board was subject to a particular voting process which you accepted.

@Neeneen @dearthofsid the reason the "leadership" fails is because there is no exit from the system. If ur condo owner does a bad job you can stop paying him and leave. That gives him an incentive to do a good job. No such incentives for bureaucrats because there's no exit from taxes.

@Neeneen @dearthofsid exactly, so it was voluntary and not by coercion. If you thought it wasn't worth it you would have moved out. Nobody would have forced you to keep paying. That's not how taxes work.

@dearthofsid @Neeneen

Also, PLEASE see this lecture in your free time. Given a choice we’d rather concede on taxation than on fiat money :


@dearthofsid @Neeneen

Yes, classical liberals were anti-estab and so are we. We agree with chomsky on the evolution of liberalism and we DONT subscribe to the Freidman school because we believe, just like Chomsky the "anarchist", that the State should not exist at all. If u dont have a state you cant have taxes so problem solved.

Where Chomsky is in trouble, in our opinion, is that he doesn’t understand economics. Or rather his economics is Keynesian whereas ours is Austrian.

@dearthofsid @Neeneen

Also, PLEASE see this lecture in your free time. Given a choice we’d rather concede on taxation than on fiat money :


@dearthofsid @Neeneen socioeconomic inequality is a fact of life. If anything it is increased by things such as minimum wage laws.

Before taxes and welfare were such a big thing, the less privileged were empowered by private charity. In fact mandatory taxation reduces the incentive for charity.

But the crux of the problem of inequality is not taxation by the way, it’s fiat money. Check out the graphs here :

@Neeneen @dearthofsid what if i own the place where i live and use my own resources ? Have you heard of allodial title ?

If im using somebody elses resources of course i need to pay that person. But that’s a voluntary transaction, not expropriation by coercion.

@dearthofsid @Neeneen

True. That’s why we like to call ourselves classical liberals.


@NevaStopXplorin forget ram and sita, whatever happened to the gold in our coins ? :D

Warren Pollock : Beware of the Nazis in China !

Every single element of Nazism is occurring in China: being the victim of prior wars and history, accrued grievances of the past, racial imperatives, nationalistic fervor, total control of information...

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