@jairajp Rate Cut Santa : They Said It ! :D
Why Sweden Is Not a Model to Emulate
How do you get a small fortune? Well, you start with a big one, and then you make a couple of mistakes, and then you end up with a small fortune.
[VIDEO] Wall Street’s Role in the Russian Revolution
It is a little known fact that western bankers financed, and were the chief promoters of, the Bolshevik Revolution.
(Fake) Economists Still Think That Saving Is Bad for the Economy
In a time like today, the best thing people can do is save more. We live in a time of multiple economic bubbles and non-productive sectors fueled by inflationary monetary policy.
@Neeneen @dearthofsid it is called the "libertarian" point of view, but we prefer the term "classical liberal"
@Neeneen @dearthofsid Some further reading for your free time :) https://mises.org/library/anatomy-state/html/c/31
Audiobook : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVEBrEjE36k
@Neeneen @dearthofsid Some further reading for your free time :) https://mises.org/library/anatomy-state/html/c/31
Audiobook : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVEBrEjE36k
@Neeneen @dearthofsid it is in the long run. We can begin by keeping it for the minimal functions of the state : defence, internal security, judiciary. Maybe some wealth redistribution for very poor people, but that's a slippery slope
@Neeneen @dearthofsid as for "democracy", an individual's true agent or "representative" is always subject to that individual's orders, can be dismissed at any time and cannot act contrary to the interests or wishes of his principal. Clearly, the "representative" in a democracy can never fulfill such agency functions
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