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Unlimited Paper Money Feeds the Myth of Unlimited Real Resources

It would be hard to invent a more effective method for the destruction of modern society. As Pogo would say, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Why The “1%” Hates The Gold Standard

The gold standard is the biggest threat conceivable for the 1% , their purchased politicians, economist lackeys and caputred MSM outlets.

The Subsistence Fund Is the Heart of Economic Growth

The "subsistence fund" — created by real savings — is the foundation of true economic growth.

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet unfortunately or fortunately anybody with a degree in economics is mostly a lost cause in this /END

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet the best we can do is keep publishing the truth and hope at least the "intelligent" see the light 5/

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet but today no "economist" would decry central banking or support a gold standard 4/

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet the entire fiat money project was started around ww1 and resulted in millions of deaths 3/

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet and berate savings whereas the opposite has been known to be true forever before 2/

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet we dont know where to start. Modern economists believe that demand and consumption creates growth 1/

@Samyukth @musafir @shinjini @Poonamsharma @NSure @Iwalkalone @KayKap @VivekT @ashwin @shirishag75 @Pranavgupta @Vishsai @Battrebeet wait till you realise this equally applies to almost anything you’ve been told about economics.

[Audio + Text] Ten Economic Blunders from History

Take cover when you hear a political leader talking about economic affairs. You can bet a bad decision is incoming.

@TheSecularOne you cant do that with things like legal tender laws right now but we get your sentiments ! :)

Dear Hindus,

Would you prefer a sick, communist-minded run by tyrants and whatsapp uncles,

Or would you prefer a based on and SOUND MONEY ?

Join us !

The Truth About China : Debt, Malinvestment and Stagnation

China’s last two decades of roller-coaster growth, surging domestic debt and malinvestment provide a good example that continuous tampering with the market is inefficient and has a snow-ball effect.

@vjy Good question.. we don"t know the answer ! :)

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