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@kannan what you're essentially advocating is forced integration. If I have my own land with water supply etc and don't want to have anything to do with anyone else, is that not my "right" ?

@kannan if the concept of nation came from "collective existence when individual existence is difficult", why is it that no entity can secede from the nation ? the size of the modern state is an anomaly. Maybe the state will continue to exist but not at the same size. Check this lecture, it's by far the most important lecture we've seen for some time:

@TheSecularOne You think savings and fds will save you from inflation ?

Three days left for this poll and not looking good folks.. the money in the bank is NOT YOUR MONEY . Look it up if you don't believe us.

किसान विरोधी कानून किसान आत्महत्याओं का कारण हैं

अमर हबीब की किताब पर आधारित किसान विरोधी कानूनों पर लेखों की हमारी श्रृंखला का यह भाग 1 है।

About this drama. Here's a suggestion.

All the students' "supporters" raise the money for educating and housing the students on GoFundMe.

100 % tax deduction for money paid into that fund.

And no more subsidies.

Deal ? Have you heard of "zombie" corporations and negative interest rates ? Goldman Sachs and Warren Buffet should have gone under in 2008. That's not a rollback. If you think the state has been rolled back in the United States, you clearly didn't see the bail outs of 2008. The US is further along the path of socialism than even India. It's just that it's done through the Federal Reserve.

@kannan what you are saying is somebody else should "bail you out" if you can't make it. Sure, but that cannot be a "right".
The "nation" has to be consensual, otherwise is part of the "we" scam. There is no "we" and when "we" is used it's generally used for further robbery. To quote Thomas Sowell :

"“The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people's money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly.”

"The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites." our position is : remove the tax already.
Tax fed babus have no incentive to run anything properly because they never bear the losses when they screw up.
And then this health / education etc becomes an excuse for even more taxes and corruption.

@wabbster @musafir @Sushubh @kushal @digitaldutta @jamewils @sanjayuvacha @stux @Gargron if you guys are serious about this we should look at having a tor service for the server too. somebody had done it already, that's real censorship resistance.

@kannan freeloading is a natural consequence of welfare. We understand the the very poor need to be helped. But that used to happen with private charity in the good old days. Welfare (and the taxes that come with it) reduce the incentive for private charity. See our Resources page for more.

1/ Precisely, we don't think we even need a govt / constitution.

2/ Any right "to" something (such as medicine, food or education) is a right to require SOMEONE else to part with his labour. We do not believe in any such "positive" rights.

About this drama. Here's a suggestion.

All the students' "supporters" raise the money for educating and housing the students on GoFundMe.

100 % tax deduction for money paid into that fund.

And no more subsidies.

Deal ?

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