The liberal/libertarian hatred for tax and arguments like "tax is theft and immoral" essentially aids the regressive taxation that exists in the neoliberal world. It's nothing but a push to sustain the status quo and can't be seen as championing the ideal of liberty.

@ilr @dearthofsid don't we consent to taxation by using the goods and services the government provides?


@theycallmesarin @dearthofsid do we have a choice of opting out of using those goods and then not paying tax ?

@ilr @dearthofsid deleted the last toot because I missed out on the opting out of services part. I mea, you could in theory but how many services are you going to opt out of? Even the land you live on is covered by land acquisition, and holding property in allodium is so 19th century.

@theycallmesarin @dearthofsid exactly. So its coercion. Not consent. Hell you can’t even opt out of aadhar

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