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@purism I have followed kop316's amazing progress on developing a working implementation of MMS support in Chatty

Can't wait for this to be merged into mainline Chatty!
Also, looking forward to testing it out when my librem5 arrives.

It's now possible to run Overpass query for changed buildings/highways/waterways/landuse in last hour/3 hours/day/week/overall directly from the #damn client _statistics_ page now.

The statistics are approximate, however, because convex hull of all the squares is used for the query border.

The @PINE64 March Community Update (…) is quite packed. We can't opine on everything. So please tell us: Which parts matter to you? What should we go into detail on?

(Feel free to suggest other topics, too! 😀 )

"Police are warning students and universities not to access Sci-Hub, an "illegal website" that allows users to download scientific research papers normally locked behind expensive subscriptions."

Very bad indeed. That name again: Sci-Hub. Remember it so you can avoid it. Ahem.

:boost_ok: :ablobcatwave: Please boost this post if you would like the EFF to join the fediverse. :ablobcatbongo:

In a survey the EFF sent me, I suggested they create an account on the fediverse, so they can reach more supporters and support innovative free software that promotes interoperability among platforms, something they've advocated for in the past, too.

If you can boost this post, maybe I'll be able to show them that there are quite a few users who would like them here!

The EFF is the infamous nonprofit organisation that fights for privacy, government transparency, and digital freedom. Their fight is very important, and the EFF is very special to me.

You can see some of their work here

In the meantime, you can follow @eff, which is an unofficial mirror of their Twitter.


5 days of mapping with to celebrate St Patrick's Day. Join in #MapPatrick21



Join #osmIRL community in 90 minutes to mark #StPatricksDay with our online chat to kick off #MapPatrick21 #OpenStreetMap


Loving Bandcamp's DRM-free FLAC download options - can support the bands I love and listen to them with no strings attached in original fidelity.

Of course, it’s not unexpected that a map of sea #beacons makes continent outlines visible (it’s what they’re for, after all). What is fascinating is there is enough #OpenStreetMap data to make a map so accurately detailed. And a colorful and visually pleasing result. #beaconmap

(Via #WeeklyOSM:

Follow your favorite blogs and news sites with NewsFlash. Designed to complement an existing web-based RSS reader account, this app combines features of both web-based services and desktop programs.

Find it on Flathub:

Trying to use Lagrange (, a Gemini browser) on my #PinePhone and got it to render something outside #Phosh multi-tasking preview by setting SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland. Now, only scaling needs to be fixed.

Pocket Popcorn Computer is an upcoming handheld Linux-based computer using open source hardware and software. You can follow at:

➡️ @pocketpopcorn

The website is at

#PocketPopcornComputer #PocketPC #PocketPopcorn #Computing #Electronics #FOSS #Hardware #Linux #OpenSourceHardware #OSH #Hacking

It's today and Carrot is ready! 😺
In few hours, my demo for the Matrix Foundation will start.
Wednesday 2021-03-10 6pm UTC, (19h00 in Paris; 6pm London; 1pm in New York; 10am in L.A.)
All info:
@matrix #krita

@matrix I felt as a Nheko developer I had to reply to this quote:

> Diesen Clienten ist gemein, daß Sie keinen E2EC, Audio- und Videochat Support haben.

While Nheko on the PinePhone certainly has issues and I can't get the camera to work at all atm on the distribution I'm using, here is receiving a voice call in an e2ee room (calling out works too):

#OSMQueries is a website with a collection of #Overpass API query tutorials. You’ll learn:
* basics of the #OpenStreetMap data model
* to extract nodes, ways and relations using different methods
* to filter data to extract just the features of interest
* to write spatial queries to find features within specific areas or within proximity
* to output data as CSV and JSON

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