@zak @hehemrin I mean, in fairness, I'm a picky sack of shit so there could be plenty of people that have an easier time enjoying things. Still, if you find yourself at an off-site in Austin or something, maybe I'll bring you a latte. Y'know, for science.


@bundtkate @zak
I believe I'm not so picky, I mean I drink any coffee but surely the pleasure of it varies. We have or had in comparison to UK and US relatively strong coffee here in Sweden. But I recall my first job travel to France many years ago, at the office there, that was strong and good coffee in the meeting room!

@hehemrin @zak I prefer my coffee strong so I'll have to make sure to get some if I make it to Sweden! 😋 Best I've had so far was sadly not what I make at home. It was at a small cafe in Bari, Italy. Didn't love the coffee in Paris so I'd wager you got lucky with an office that knew what was up.

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