BankID. Debattartikel om detta står att läsa i Dagens nyheter. #bankid #säkerhet #dfri @dfri
I do not really have competence to comment your comment, but anyway... Isn't his theory (one of) that banking actions will be less secure when same authenticator is used for so much more incl low sensitive authentification situations? But I don't know it that is correct or not. Can BankID be less secure because it is used and needs to be adjusted so it can be adapted in many applications? Another risk, not directly in the article, that I see is that how vulnerable the 1/2
society is if BankID system goes down, is compromised, hacked etc. Now FrejaID+ exist that to some extent is an alternative, but we still are extremely dependent on one application - and that application is almost only possible to use on Microsoft, Apple and Google softwares. Not to mention it's closed code.
Yeah, we'll see if Passkeys will be a great success!
Please, share more thoughts on your take on the opinion article in DN.